I’m currently finishing up Gideon the Ninth and, on the non-fiction side of things, I recently finished Reconstruction: The Battle For Democracy 1865-1876 by James S. Allen (which was published in the 1930s and inspired W.E.B. DuBois’s Black Reconstruction book).

You can purchase the reconstruction book here (and I implore you to do so or at least put it on your to-read list sometime).

Today’s discussion questions:

  1. What do you plan to read?

  2. What are your favorite publishers?

My answers:

I intend to read the Mao Zedong biography trilogy that’s being published in the United States by, I believe, either Cambridge or Harvard. Before you say anything: they’re Chinese-to-English translations and they were insulted by the web outlet Foreign Policy (a conservative U.S. foreign policy outlet) which is high praise to me.

As for my favorite publishers: International Publishers (CPUSA’s publishing arm) and Canut International Publishers (based in England and I believe they have an office in Turkey; they publish a lot of English translations of Chinese theoretical texts on Marxism-Leninism).

Talk about whatever, but do answer the title of the thread and the discussion questions, please. Thanks.

Also, shameless plug-in for a Discord server that me, BayArea415, and some good friends created:



  • @The_Commie_Ferret
    42 years ago

    Trying to finish Mao’s On Contradiction, I absolutely love his writing style.

    • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
      22 years ago

      Can you highlight pages on your browser? That might help you save your spot.

    • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
      22 years ago

      Ah, T.S. Eliot’s work isn’t really non-fiction, is it? Not sure what poetry counts as.

      Also, I suggest the Marxist publisher LeftWord Books for you (which is by Vijay Prashad).

  • @housefinch
    32 years ago

    For fic reading King Lear so I can understand the references, I’ll read Crime and Punishment Next, liked Brothers Kamazov so I figure it’ll go well.

    On nonfic might do some misc Marx-Engels readings and Murder of Sergei Kirkov by Grover Furr.

  • @redshiftedbrazilian
    2 years ago

    Man I have a comic book you guys might like.

    X-Men went through a reboot recently (2019) and they changed some stuff, but basically, after years of massacres and anti-mutant activism, they had enough and they built a Nation for all mutants called Krakoa. Its a really cool comic that honeslty is partially responsible for my radicalization. After this reboot, Krakoa became the status quo and in the first few editions of the new X-men series we follow Professor X and Magneto in their responsibilities as new nation leaders. UN meetings, bilateral meetings, etc. This is the setting of the comic book I’m talking about. It’s just a meeting. Nothing more.

    But I swer to god this is probably the best things Marvel has ever made. It is unbelivably based. Magneto’s speech is amazing.

    Just read it, I promise it is not big

    X-Men (2019) #4

    • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
      32 years ago

      Oh that sounds nice actually

      Maybe Magneto isn’t the villain this time as well but just “morally grey hero lol” instead.

      Which I wouldn’t mind.

      • @redshiftedbrazilian
        32 years ago

        It actually doesn’t feel like a super hero story you know? That’s one of the reasons I liked it so much. Its more a (very) political sci fi than a super hero comic, so you dont have a clear right/wrong side. Except for Orchis, bc they are fucked up

    • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
      22 years ago

      Ah, I see you’re dong some multi-reading.

      I decided to give that a break for the time being. I would prefer to prioritize one for now. I kind of have to give myself time to recharge my batteries and shift to focusing on other stuff.