For one I fucking hate people man. Can’t recall others rn

  • DankZedong A
    212 years ago

    I used to have a period in my life where I hated people as well. I hated when they were happy about things I couldn’t care about, I hated activities people did, I hated people walking around who were dressed bad, people eating stuff that they clearly shouldn’t, people liking dumb music, people watching dumb shows. You name a reason, and I probably hated people for it.

    But I also hated myself. And a big part of the hate I had for myself outed itself in hate towards others.

    I had to work on my own demons first before I could judge others. I had therapy, I cut toxic people out of my life, I forced a more open minded attitude on myself, I tried stuff I thought I hated. This last part especially opened my eyes. For examples, I had a big hate against festivals for some reason. But then I went to festivals and I loved it. By doing these stuff, I found out that a lot of my hate was not reasonable. I never tried the things I had a hate for. I never tried to see the other side of the story. And it made me realise that I could not always judge people when I had not experienced their part of the story.

    Most people are okay. Most people just want to live their lives in peace, with food, shelter and safety. Taking care of these needs for everyone is essentially communist. I can still have opinions in individual people while living in a communist society. But these judgements need to be based on actual reasons. Not because I’m miserable myself.

    Try to see what you might be missing in life, and try to find ways to obtain these things. Your opinion on people might change with it.

    • @Idliketothinkimsmart
      42 years ago

      This resonates with me so much. I used to be so negative towards people who were passionate/ even just entertained by certain things.

      Like I think it’s nice that the couple down the street are holding hands, that someone is just chooses to sit at a park and sow something, and that the dude who likes collecting mechs is entertained by it.

    • @acabjones
      22 years ago

      Very well said, comrade. This kind of thoughtful, sincere discussion is wonderful to see on lemmygrad.

  • @Ottar
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • @Ottar
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

  • Lenin enjoyer🏳️‍⚧️
    72 years ago

    Now I agree with Ratto: “You’ve got to remember that at its core, communism is an economic and societal model. Nowhere does it say ‘you must like people’” But this sounds like the doing of an eco-fascist. People can suck but usually class or phycology is the problem, not people.

  • Mehrtelb [he/him]
    52 years ago

    Happens to everyone. Since I don’t know anything about you or your circumstances I can only guess, but I don’t think you hate every single person on this planet right? Judging from your earlier posts you seem to be dwelling on negative thoughts a lot, which in turn makes you ignore the good ones you have.

    You can’t help people if you don’t help yourself first, which is why you feel this way about your personal thoughts (most likely, again, just guessing).

    People probably already recommended therapy, but forcing yourself to do little things, cleaning, wandering around the block or having a conversation with a real person face-to-face can already help a lot.

    I am not saying that this is “just a phase” but this too will pass. You may not know when or even how, but it will, I promise.

    • @ZeroGravity@lemmy.mlOP
      2 years ago

      I already do a lot. I work, I clean, I cook, I study.

      State hospitals don’t do shit. Private doctors are too expensive and I’m doubtful even if I were to pay I’d get a result.

      I just don’t like the majority of people. I usually don’t care but now that I have to work I come to hate them having been required to interact with them.

      You know what they say. Average joe is dumb as bricks. Even more so here.

  • @Ayulin
    42 years ago

    For me it’s that I just can’t trust the general public to do the right thing. Like, in principle when everybody would be educated enough to have scientifically backed opinions on political issues I can see a democracy work out. But when the general public is as dumb as they are right now I simply don’t trust them enough to rule a country. Ruling countries is genuinely difficult and if thousands of people can be convinced by a single bs spitting person, I simply don’t want them to run a country. In short, I think the vast majority of the proletariat can be considered lumpenproletariat and as long as this is the case, no true democracy could ever work, which is why the fake democracies of western countries can even be stable in the first place. To implement a dictatorship of the proletariat it would first be necessary to actually have a proletariat that is capable of dictating.