• Grace
    183 years ago

    lol the subreddit is so getting banned

    • Muad'DibberOPA
      163 years ago

      I don’t see it or sino lasting too much longer unfortunately.

  • @comrade_toaster
    143 years ago

    Anyone know why they stopped advertising lemmygrad on r/GenZedong btw? It was how I found this website, it’s a shame they’re not promoting it more and more

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      123 years ago

      Might be worth making a thread about it, even to just encourage people to make backup accounts here in case subreddit gets banned.

    • Muad'DibberOPA
      43 years ago

      Probably just needed room for another sticky, iirc that’s the only place it was before.

  • @CriticalResist8A
    113 years ago

    Abandon reddit and join lemmygrad.

    You wouldn’t believe how much my emotional balance has improved since I left last year. I know it’s something that’s often said and I didn’t get it either when people told me (after they left social media), but reddit is so negative, even when you only browse communist spaces. There’s so much negativity, and you’re forced to share that space with fascists and libs – fascists are worse, because the admins know and don’t want to take care of the problem that has been growing for years.

    I will not share my space with fascists. So leave reddit, and join lemmygrad.

    • @Augustus
      133 years ago

      The problem of course is agitation

      Despite how disgusting reddit is when you start treating it like a game it’s a lot funnier.

      I usedto type typical Shitlib drivel on worldnews then after it gets heavily upvoted edit it to something ridiculously communist

  • @HitReplay
    103 years ago

    I mean there’s nothing surprising here. There is a lot worse coming soon.

    From communist subreddits banning communists for defending communism to GenZedong itself naming and disavowing communists…pretty clear what’s going on.

  • @lvxferre
    3 years ago

    Given how the Anti-Evil Operations and Reddit Inc. admins work, I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t a case of Hanlon’s Razor. They simply do not know what they’re doing so they’re shooting everyone reported by enough people and, in the process, making everyone rage and leave the site pissed.

  • @DaChairman
    33 years ago

    Why did you filter the URL that you were banned for?

    • Muad'DibberOPA
      53 years ago

      This wasn’t me, it was another mod. With that URL included, reddit can hunt you down for ban evasion.