Hell maybe even an app if they can manage it, the UI for this app really isn’t great, ESPECIALLY on mobile.

Still love it tho.

  • @TheBlurstOfGuys
    252 years ago

    Can you list specifically what you have issue with? The post is just useless negativity otherwise.

    • @Amelia_the_Great
      222 years ago

      I find it annoying how obsessed the page is worth returning to the top. Unlock my screen? Back to the top. Go back to the main page? Back to the top. It seems to have no position retention and feels very Web 1.0.

      • @jumanjimanju@lemmy.ml
        62 years ago

        On lemmur i have the opposite experience, it never goes back unless i very explicitely tell it to. Interesting

        • @coluna_prestes
          42 years ago

          Speaking of lemmyr, how did you manage to find lemmygrad domain on it?

          • @jumanjimanju@lemmy.ml
            32 years ago

            Hm i tried figuring out how i added another instance to the app, but i cant get it to work again… The search/communities tab isnt working (not sure if its on my end or lemmy’s end).

    • @nervvves
      9 months ago

      deleted by creator

  • @KommandoGZD
    192 years ago

    the UI for this app really isn’t great, ESPECIALLY on mobile

    You reckon? The mobile version is excellent imo, better than either of the android apps and even the desktop version.

    • @aworldtowin@lemmy.ml
      72 years ago

      I’ve been using Jerboa but my one complaint is when people respond to me I can’t just click their reply and go to our convo in the thread. So when I make posts/comments and people respond it’s a pain to find what they’re even replying to. I’m mainly here for education and like asking questions and wish I could just tap on the reply and go to where it was in the thread. I think if the UI was just a bit more refined and smooth like reddit more would use it. Lemmur may be better, but it isn’t letting me log in.

      • @KommandoGZD
        42 years ago

        Fair, that is annoying. There’s a couple other issues with it too eg upvotes, themes, missing settings (default scope etc). All of that just works better on the web app. But you’re right ofc, it would help user retention and acquisition quite a bit if things were just a bit smoother and convenient. Plenty of people probably gave up on the site entirely just cause the lemmur and iOS apps wouldn’t let them log on.

        • @aworldtowin@lemmy.ml
          22 years ago

          I really hope the log in stuff can be fixed soon, I mean with genzedong stuff we’re talking thousands of potential new users, would suck to see our community shrink more than it already will with the ban.

    • @Amelia_the_Great
      112 years ago

      Remmel seems to be broken. I and a few others at least are unable to add this server to the app.

      • @TheBlurstOfGuys
        92 years ago

        Same problem with lemmur. Jeroba works but the voting doesn’t. Nothing happens when I click the arrows.

        • Water Bowl Slime
          62 years ago

          Voting with Jerboa seems to be a bit jank. Sometimes my votes disappear when I refresh the page but other times they stick. I have no clue why though.

      • @4orks
        22 years ago

        I was able to add the server, but I can’t log in.

  • Preston Maness ☭
    162 years ago

    I tried Jerboa on android but ended up just using the web app on mobile. I really like it. It handles images better than Jerboa, for one. And you can even download the progressive web app (PWA) version too.

    Also: this interface is far, far away from “Web 1.0” .