Hell maybe even an app if they can manage it, the UI for this app really isn’t great, ESPECIALLY on mobile.

Still love it tho.

  • @Amelia_the_Great
    222 years ago

    I find it annoying how obsessed the page is worth returning to the top. Unlock my screen? Back to the top. Go back to the main page? Back to the top. It seems to have no position retention and feels very Web 1.0.

    • @jumanjimanju@lemmy.ml
      62 years ago

      On lemmur i have the opposite experience, it never goes back unless i very explicitely tell it to. Interesting

      • @coluna_prestes
        42 years ago

        Speaking of lemmyr, how did you manage to find lemmygrad domain on it?

        • @jumanjimanju@lemmy.ml
          32 years ago

          Hm i tried figuring out how i added another instance to the app, but i cant get it to work again… The search/communities tab isnt working (not sure if its on my end or lemmy’s end).