• @shizhiyongfanclub
    462 years ago

    Who cares about the exact reason, they can find any reason to silence speech from the sub.

  • @Thebeyond1
    352 years ago

    They’ve been complaining for years. I think the r/Russia ban was the writing on the wall

    • @REEEEvolution
      2 years ago

      /sino will propably get the same treatment once tensions between China and the US are escalated by the latter. Only a matter of time now.

    • s1syphean
      142 years ago

      The West is foaming at the mouth at how much hatred of the East they’ve been able to instill in a new generation. It’s sickening

  • @jjman2212
    292 years ago

    what I wonder is do they actually go through the posts and read them, or just see the name and description and make a bunch of assumptions? I cant figure out if they genuinely believe the stuff they’re saying or if they’re blatantly lying

    • s1syphean
      2 years ago

      They 100% genuinely believe the stuff they’re saying. Western propaganda has unknowingly radicalized them. Unfortunately it’s nearly a hermetic seal; robust enough that they legitimately believe - somehow - that we’re closer to Nazism than the US funded Nazis.

      Imperialists have sunk so much money into the media to construct a fairly self-consistent false reality where all they have to do to justify banishment is reference other non-existent torts, like Uyghur genocide denial, and the facade is maintained.

    • @ComradeKaz
      232 years ago

      Lmfao imagine getting a meme sub banned being your life’s work. Pathetic.

        • @ComradeKaz
          92 years ago

          I don’t understand your question. They say in the link that their whole point was to get GenZedong banned and they don’t know what to do with themselves now that their goal was realized

          • @BenEarlDaMarxist
            2 years ago

            They say in the link that their whole point was to get GenZedong banned and they don’t know what to do with themselves now that their goal was realized

            Probably move on and diss, shit on, heckle, and despise on some other fuckin subreddit that’s somewhat similar to GenZedong, otherwise, GenUSA is a bunch of losers who think they’re being based for being “”“”““ironic””“”“” USA propagandists.

  • @thorkil_heldum
    262 years ago

    Disinformation incl. denial of civilian killings. No, denial of claims of civilian killings. Claims that were made without evidence by the biggest liars in the world, who have a clear motive to lie about that exact thing. And then add to that the evidence that contradicts the claim (witness testimony, prior warning of false flags, and photo analysis, etc).

  • Muad'DibberA
    262 years ago

    GZD mods, did the reddit admins say anything before this quarantine?

  • @Mana
    252 years ago

    Wow, what a snitch.

      • @embaixadordaursal
        2 years ago

        Paid actors. No one sane would expend so much time doing that.

      • @RupturedThought
        122 years ago

        The focus now should be to use general left subs or other new “tankie” pop up subs like sendinthetanks to focus new users (obviously MLs) here.

    • Oshin
      252 years ago

      They also said the war is good because it hurts the US. A take that is anti communist inherently

      Who knows what an anti-communist take is: Big Kim Jong-un or some nerd in Arkansas?

      • @REEEEvolution
        172 years ago

        “They ignore what is happening in East Turkestan, Hong Kong and Tibet!” - Some totally not Jihadist on that sub.

        • Oshin
          102 years ago

          Liberals showing just how conservative they can be. Back to the good ol’ days of extremism, colonialism, and slavery!

  • Water Bowl Slime
    242 years ago

    I hope they at least got paid for this because otherwise they’re just going the CIA’s grunt work for free and that’s pathetic.

  • @RetroTankie
    232 years ago

    Lol like I made a point yesterday that showing any information against Ukrainian war crimes is a ban on most social media. But using the platform to be bloodthirsty towards Russia is an okay thing? Yes it seems that way now.

    • Black AOC
      72 years ago

      That’s p much everyone on AHS. Hall monitors, Homeowners Associates, and rent-a-cops.

  • @Kaluan
    192 years ago

    Snitches get stitches

    Also lmao @ “alt_account”

    • @castroatedeeznuts
      82 years ago

      it IS silicon valley shitlibs running the place, not sure what else one would expect…