Edit: due to privacy concerns over Google Docs, I have made a Cryptpad account. You can read the article there. I’ve also made a Cryptpad folder with all my antifascist articles (more to come).

Fascists take the recruitment online, and it’s important for antifascists to understand how the fight moves on.

We hope that through this exposé, you’ll learn new things about detecting dogwhistles and signs, and how insidious fascists can be when recruiting people.

This exposé has been in the works for a long time and there was never really the right time to publish it. I’m happy to finally be able to present it publicly. Thanks for reading.

      • loathesome dongeater
        44 years ago

        you can learn how to

        sorry for making assumptions there. my brain kinda malfunctioned.

        • @diorama
          44 years ago

          All brains are beautiful :hugging face: :brain:

      • Muad'DibberMA
        34 years ago

        I second write.as, its a really good platform for writeups like these.

      • Muad'DibberMA
        34 years ago

        Google docs is pretty scary, a lot of people just have their full name in their user profile, so an open google doc like that will expose your info not only to google, but to everyone else even just viewing that doc.