• @seanchai
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

            • @frippa@lemmy.mlOP
              12 years ago

              well yeah maybe i fed the troll responding to that post, its not worth responding to those types of threads in the end, they just want to see the world burn

      • @panic
        22 years ago

        I don’t believe fascists are insane and I wouldn’t make a comment like the one you did. But the removal stinks of tone policing to me and I fail to see how it makes the site safer for “mentally ill” people.

        • Muad'DibberA
          22 years ago

          You wouldn’t mind if frippa called you mentally ill every time they disagreed with you, instead of engaging with the content of what you’re saying? What about a racist slur instead of an ableist slur? We very much do tone policing here too.

          • @panic
            12 years ago

            I get called mentally ill to my face in real life. I’m confused by this comment.

            • Muad'DibberA
              32 years ago

              That’s not cool at all. And this thread is frippa whining about not being able to call ppl mentally ill as a slur.

              • @panic
                42 years ago

                I guess I’m failing to see how hurtful the comment they made could be for other people. I agree it shows a belief that people who don’t fit the definition of sanity deserve less respect, but I’m soured by the timing.

                • AgreeableLandscape☭
                  2 years ago

                  As someone who is mentally ill, like, diagnosed by a doctor and medicated, I want to say that it does actually bother me that Lemmygrad is so willing to call fascists etc slurs for mental illness. Insane, lunatic, cuckoo, deranged, psycho, brainless, mad, r*tard, etc were actually words that old lobotomy-and-electroshock asylums used to dehumanize their victims in a way similar to things like the n word, so I do think they should count as slurs. It’s not even cool for actual mental illness or mental disability sufferers to use them. Calling fascists or anyone who intentionally does horrible things those words insult the mentally ill way more than it insults the people you want to insult. We are not fascists and we don’t want fascists to be seen as the same as us.

                  Same with that whole “elderly Western politician has dimentia” thing that goes around here. My grandfather has dimentia, and it’s an absolutely terrifying and sad disease for him and the rest of our family. I think the thing that sums it up best is that he can’t even enjoy the short periods of lucidity he has left because those are the times he realizes just how far gone he is, and he spends that time apologising to us for his behaviour when the disease takes hold of him. Please don’t trivialize it by using it as an insult for people who’s old and make horrible decisions. If Trump and his MAGA cult use some insult all the damn time, chances are we communists shouldn’t mirror that. IMO, that’s not that different than 4chan using AIDS and cancer as insults for people/things they don’t like.

                  I don’t agree with a lot of things the other Lemmy.ml admins are doing, no, but I do think disallowing ablest terminology are very reasonable. Call fascists horrible people all you want, but leave the mental illness and mental disability related terms out of it.

                • Muad'DibberA
                  22 years ago

                  Is there any time that it should be okay to call ppl mentally ill?

                  I don’t understand why you’re okay with ppl weaponizing mental illnes and using it as a slur, if you know how harmful it can be.

                  • @panic
                    32 years ago

                    I’ve learned that you don’t start shit over a comment like that. It barely registers to me what it means. I’ll keep in mind that I shouldn’t measure the weight of what people say based on how I feel.