Thanks Zizek

  • @ZarathustrasApe420
    462 years ago

    Zizek is a fucking clown that gives real Marxists a bad name. I’m not convinced he isn’t a controlled opposition product created by some 3 letter agency.

      • @SaddamHussein24
        2 years ago

        Holy fuck, i knew he was a lib but i didnt know it was this bad. Mf was a candidate for the Liberal Democratic Party of Slovenia too in the 1990 elections in Yugoslavia. What a piece of shit traitor. He supports the CIA funded libs that destroyed yugoslav socialism and has the gull to call himself a communist. What a fucking tool. He needs to get the wall. Cant wait for him to rant about how Matrix is real communism in front of the firing squad. Fucking bastard.

        • Muad'DibberA
          132 years ago

          Yeah, his quirkiness, and his emphasis on media criticism as opposed to materialist analyses of production that appeals to “intellectual” / champagne socialists and college liberals, is why I think he’s so popular with the western left.

          • @SaddamHussein24
            102 years ago

            I never liked him, even when i was a leftie liberal. It seemed so stupid to me his incessant comparisons of communism to hollywood movies like Matrix. Not that theres anything wrong with Matrix, i like that movie and its definetely a good movie and has political themes. But its one thing to make a comparison between communism and Matrix once as a thought experiment, and its another to base your entire politics off that. Its just stupid and screams western privileged nerd so much.

          • @ledward
            2 years ago

            deleted by creator

      • @ledward
        2 years ago

        deleted by creator

        • @SaddamHussein24
          302 years ago

          Hes 100% an asset. He was a member of the Communist Party of Slovenia for decades during Socialist Yugoslavia, so he definetely knows marxism leninism. He left the party in 1988 and joined the slovenian liberal and separatist CIA funded opposition. He wasnt just a random naive student mind you, he was 40 years old and had been a Communist Party member for 20 years. He became a prominent figure of the slovenian opposition and ran for the 1990 yugoslav elections with the Liberal Democratic Party of Slovenia, a liberal and separatist party. He still called himself a communist for some reason. Hes either an asset or an extreme opportunist doing anything to stay famous.

          • @chinawatcherwatcher
            132 years ago

            thanks for this, had no idea. good to know this kind of history for someone who’s obviously awful

    • ☭CommieWolf☆
      212 years ago

      I think you’re on to something, I constantly keep getting videos featuring him recommended to me online, whereas actual finding marxist stuff I need to constantly fight uphill against the algorithms to dig up.