• sj_zero
    -162 years ago

    I think that if Americans could understand Chinese, China would be immediately cancelled.

    They may be communist, but their culture is quite incompatible with southern California.

    • NasgorTikusEnjoyer
      272 years ago

      China is already “cancelled”, most libshits think China is literally 1984 and they kill people for being gays so i don’t think anything would change

      • sj_zero
        -202 years ago

        Look into lgbt rights or how they treat foreigners, particularly from Africa.

        They’re Chinese communists, they don’t follow American dogma.

          • AdvancedAktion
            62 years ago

            Is he the rare conservatives who likes China because it is not a hellhole like South California. Who shares same cultural values like “The China”.

          • sj_zero
            -172 years ago

            Just a little reality check, since people mistakenly believe that China must have the same values as Southern California just because they happen to be communist.

            After what happened to the Qing dynasty, to think any Chinese leader would share a lot of values the American would have is ludicrous.

              • sj_zero
                -102 years ago

                Why are any of these things “issues”? Is it because the cultural imperialists of the west have told you that they are? That these specific niche issues are something you should pay a disproportionate amount of attention to?

                Is it because the Hollywood and Silicon Valley capitalists have told you that they’re issues?

                And if Chinese leaders and individuals think that something else is an issue instead, are they wrong? If they believe that social cohesion and traditional socialist values are more important, are they to be told they’re wrong? If their society doesn’t really put any value on defending whatever marginalized groups the western capitalists tell us need to take priority, are the Chinese wrong?

                I’ve noted it quite a lot, where rich westerners from silicon valley or hollywood go out and try to shame Asia for not being guilty enough about the fact that America and England did terrible things in the past.

                • KiG V2
                  72 years ago

                  Just because socially progressive issues are co-opted and corrupted by the capitalists and used as a lure to distract from class issues does NOT mean these aren’t important issues.

                  I get that attention to them is disproportionate and it is absolutely used as a tool by the capitalists to maintain power but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.

                  I understand the pragmatism of not wanting to cause social unrest by pushing for social progressivism while trying to juggle pushing for socialism but one must also understand how the emancipation of workers from enslavement to capitalists must be complemented with emancipation of workers from other forms of irrational and injust oppression.

                  You seem to have a very poor opinion of queers. You should try actually talking to some normal ones and not forming your opinion off of the most grotesque American liberal stereotypes. People of all sexualities and genders and races etc. should not be fighting each other or be treated as second class citizens. You can fight imperial Wokeism™ without becoming a bigot.

                  • sj_zero
                    12 years ago

                    You seem to be reading something into my writing that isn’t there.

                    I’m just talking about how a different culture exists and looks at things differently. I don’t need to have an opinion on the matter to explain such a thing.

                  • sj_zero
                    -42 years ago

                    You’re bringing your western individualist viewpoint with you, which is why it’s confusing. If you think of socialism as something regarding the whole of society it becomes perfectly clear: It becomes a moral order to do what is necessary to ensure a cohesive and orderly socialist society, and it is the moral duty of individuals to be what the state needs them to be for the cohesive and orderly socialist society.

                    This is the merging of Communist and Confucian thought into something uniquely Chinese. Obviously, it’s completely different than what the US is doing because they’re doing it for selfish and exploitative reasons and not for the greater good of society.

        • AdvancedAktion
          142 years ago

          Who are those Chinese communists??? I have heard about local people turning against African immigrants due to criminal activities by some miscreants. It is unfortunate but party rightfully stepped in and tried to not make it sensational. They tried not make it into a racial issue.

          • sj_zero
            -122 years ago

            The police do it, and it appears systemic, such as routinely going to African’s homes to search for contraband.

            Also, systemically speaking, there is no broad naturalization process. Anyone can theoretically become a US citizen and many do every year but if you go to china you will always be an outsider on a visa barring extraordinary circumstances.

            In terms of LGBT stuff, the CCP has banned depictions of effeminate sissy men on TV. Let’s see how well that would go over in Southern California!

            China isn’t the US. Different history, different ideology, different values. If you understand the history of China, it isn’t shocking that they’d come to different conclusions than people in America. If Americans were the colonized rather than the colonizers, they’d have different views of outsiders as well.