They treat war like it’s HIO4 gameplay
This is why you cannot use yourself as a parameter in experiments.
We are sometimes reminded that the empire of man is a gigantic fascist death cult.
The challenge of finding a story in the HFY genre that isn’t a bad Warhammer 40k fanfic
It’s always someone from the southeast or the south
It’s not a purchase, it’s a rental.
Dr. Frankstein deserved to have his life ruined, but it came at the cost of many innocent people dying
Direita do Brasil gosta de passar vergonha, se não bastante a falta de originalidade deles. (Brazil’s right-wing likes to embarrass themselves, if not enough, their lack of originality).
One question, about something that I always found strange, why are most of the photos of this event in black and white, given that it took place in the 80s?
Mark has always been disappointing as a person, he’s just a good actor
the encleve has been real this whole time
It’s a huge waste of space
Normally, economic development comes before social development, as occurred in the West younger generations are more openly socially progressive
They’re not called the left wing of fascism for nothing
They are cults, Mormonism is the logical conclusion of US cultural messianism and Protestantism, it is American exceptionalism in the form of religion. Jehovah’s Witness I don’t have much knowledge Scientology is an obvious scam, and a criminal organisation.
I’m not playing any multiplayer, I’m currently playing Fallout 2
It depends on how you define it, China has a long-term strategy, reunification could still take decades, even more so since Taiwan is an important US base
And Putin has spent decades trying to reconnect with the West as an ally against China.