Especially yesterday, lemmygrad wasn’t loading at all; salty libs are finding new ways to “brigade” us lmao. To any liberal lurkers: fuck you, Communism will win, 中国共产党万岁!

    • @supersolid_snake
      692 years ago
      1. NATO is the world’s largest white supremacist organization
      2. Libs have soft hands and making PowerPoint decks isn’t hard work.
      • @Chinese_Bot_1561953
        472 years ago
        1. Harry Potter books were only successful because a generation of kids felt like their parents didn’t want them.
        • @InvertedMussolini
          382 years ago
          1. The Ukraine does have a fascist problem and a Jewish head of state does not change that fact
            • @supersolid_snake
              342 years ago
              1. A communist will be president before a Clinton is again.
              • JucheBot1988
                312 years ago
                1. “Kyiv” is a pointless transliteration that achieves nothing.
                  • @Rafael_Luisi
                    152 years ago

                    Noooooo le wholesome 100 ukrania slavia capital cant have cringe communist russky authoritarian Z on it!!1!1

                  • JucheBot1988
                    62 years ago

                    I hope he gets the help he needs. In a re-education camp.

    • hazel
      142 years ago
      cw suicide

      liberals rn

    • @MethStalin
      102 years ago

      This is the most milketoast way to piss them off. The worst part is it’ll do more to hurt them than anything that actually matters 😂

    • @Edwarder
      -82 years ago

      Harry Potter is a great children book. And I am ready to die on this hill.

      • BANNED
        322 years ago

        gotta love teaching children that class based on the purity of your blood is ok and that slaves actually love being slaves and that the status quo of opressing all other magical life is ok but J.K Rowling rolling dice Hagrid… is a leather daddy

        • @redshiftedbrazilian
          142 years ago

          I’d rather have children watching the OG Spider-Man beating up green bilionaires and comically sized oligarchs

        • @MethStalin
          82 years ago

          Loooooooooooooooool this is so perfect

        • Weilai Hope
          172 years ago

          I read this years ago before becoming a Marxist and it made sense. Now it makes even more sense.

      • Muad'DibberA
        162 years ago

        I appreciate you sharing your wrong opinion.