The mod team of r/antifastonetoss on Reddit has chosen to revive the c/antifastonetoss community on Lemmy.

Our plan is first to repost comics from r/AST here. Then, we will start organising to actually deplatform stonetoss from the internet, which we are allowed to do here (and yes it’s legal).

This community is therefore a bit different from the subreddit. We hope to do more organising here. Some examples:

  • post tweets or facebook posts from stonetoss that we can report.
  • save shit he says for posterity (like the time he appeared on the killstream, now deleted, or the time he went to Japan and was sad women weren’t throwing themselves at him, also deleted).
  • tweet our edgier comics back at him!

If you’re new on lemmy, we also hope that you’ll enjoy the website enough to stay!

If you’re not new on Lemmy, we hope you’ll subscribe to our community!

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    4 years ago

    Your link brought a bunch of trolls here, please be a bit more mindful with your moderation.

    Thanks for getting the word out about Lemmy, though. That’s always welcome.

    • CriticalResist8OPMA
      4 years ago

      I just read the modlog. Sorry about that. the subreddit is monitored once in a while by chuds who are mad they couldn’t get us banned.

      We planned on adding the original mod team but if they don’t want to also join lemmy, we’ll look for more mods here.

    • CriticalResist8OPMA
      4 years ago

      And thank you for making Lemmy! We’ve pinned an announcement on the subreddit and are giving some time for content editors to subscribe here before we start crossposting.

      • RandomSovietKidM
        4 years ago

        are giving some time for content editors to subscribe here before we start crossposting.

        I’m going to crosspost a few edits from Reddit now. I think that people are more likely to subscribe if there already is some content here, than if it’s almost empty.

        • CriticalResist8OPMA
          4 years ago

          Go ahead! I’m giving it some time personally so that people don’t think I’m trying to reap karma from crossposting content that isn’t mine. I’d be stoked if more people started posting here, even if it’s reposts!

          Since the rules are different from Reddit you are actually allowed to make edgier edits too. I’ll probably repost my violent ones that were removed from Reddit. You want to get to stonetoss? Send him his own edited comics that make fun of him or threaten him.

  • pimento
    4 years ago

    Cool! One thing, the project is just called Lemmy, not Also there are a couple other instances already, like (talking about the post on Reddit).

  • RandomSovietKidM
    4 years ago

    And now I’ve got another question… Has there been any action against his website? Was it successful? (Well, considering that his website is still up, probably not, but did it at least inconvenience him?)

    A WHOIS lookup tells me that his domain is registered at Namecheap, so I decided to look at their Terms of Service. There is a registration agreement (see here: that says the following:

    You agree not to use the Services provided by Namecheap, or to allow or enable others, to use the services provided by Namecheap for illegal or improper purposes. As such, you agree not to:


    use the Services for content that will profess hatred for particular social, ethnical, religious or other groups;


    use the Services in a manner that is violent or encourages violence.

    Maybe we could get him in trouble with these two parts of the agreement? Because he definitely professes hatred against social, ethnical, and religious groups. I don’t remember whether he ever explicitly encouraged violence, but if he did, that’d make an even better reason to cancel his registration, I think.

    (EDIT: added link to Namecheap’s registration agreement)

    • CriticalResist8OPMA
      4 years ago

      Hmm, it would be possible maybe to tip off namecheap! Usually on whois there’s an email you can reach for abuse (usually Good catch!

      If his domain name got revoked on namecheap it would be possible for him to register somewhere else, so someone would have to snipe that domain name and that may be considered illicit –

      Then again stonetoss would have to lodge a complaint, and doing that would likely reveal his own name. Would he really retain an attorney for that though?

      It’s an avenue to explore, I’ll take it up with the subreddit mod team if that’s okay with you, we’ll be able to talk about it away from prying eyes. Thanks for reporting this!

      • RandomSovietKidM
        4 years ago

        Yes, please take it up with the subreddit mod team (and, if possible, keep me updated on what you’re deciding and doing). I don’t have the money or capabilities to snipe that domain name if Namecheap revokes it from him, so it’d be great if someone from the mod team or just any trusted person can.

        I also looked at their instructions for reporting abuse (at It contains some useful information about what to include, but it also contains this paragraph:

        Some types of abuse may not be verified from our side if we only act as a registrar and the abusive content resides on third-party servers. Due to this, we will not take restrictive action in order to avoid false-positive cases. This policy particularly affects copyright/DMCA, email abuse/spam, fraud, malware/hacking activity, etc.

        To expedite the resolution, we highly recommended escalating websites that are registered with Namecheap only to their respective hosting provider supporting your report with sufficient evidence. You might also decide to get in touch with the domain name holder directly by using the Whois details that are assigned to that domain name. If the Whois details are hidden by our WhoisGuard privacy protection service, feel free to send your email to the protected email address (like **** It will then be forwarded to the real email address of the domain holder.

        If I understead correctly, they suggest to instead reach out to his hosting provider. I’m not too sure how to find out someone’s hosting provider, but this site and another one that I searched tells me that he’s hosted with Cloudflare. And Cloudflare’s site (see says:

        Cloudflare offers network service solutions including a reverse proxy, pass-through security service, and a content distribution network (CDN). Because Cloudflare is a reverse proxy, our IP addresses appear in WHOIS and DNS records for websites using our services. Cloudflare is not a website hosting provider, and we cannot remove material from the Internet that is hosted by others.


        You can report abuse using the reporting form below. Cloudflare will forward abuse reports that appear to be substantially complete to the responsible website hosting provider and to the website owner. In response to a substantially complete abuse report, Cloudflare will provide the complainant with the contact information for the responsible website hosting provider so they can be contacted directly.

        So, apparently, if we do it that way, we first have to write the complaint to Cloudflare using that page, and then hope that Cloudflare will reply with the actual hosting’s contact information, and then write a complaint to that actual hosting provider.

        Do you think that that could be a way? It sounds complicated, but if we can take down his website this way, it’s definitely worth it.

        • CriticalResist8OPMA
          4 years ago

          It’s possible that he is registered through namecheap as they offer hosting services too. Cloudflare only acts as a cloud service to help prevent spam and DDoS attacks and he is likely on their free plan. On a whois lookup, it also allows him to anonymize his hosting provider as they are the ones who provide the nameservers. We may be able to get his cloudflare account deleted if they don’t want to provide their service to stonetoss, but they can’t do much more. If we do that he’ll have to go back to his host’s name servers though, so that’s an avenue of exploration.

          In any case it’s worth contacting namecheap directly and see how they respond first. I shared this with the mod team and we’re looking into our next steps. We have to do this carefully.

          I’ll send you updates by private message though!

  • RandomSovietKidM
    4 years ago

    Already subscribed!

    Can you give me a link to any introduction text about deplatforming? I’d like to learn more about it.

    • CriticalResist8OPMA
      4 years ago

      We have an introductory text here:, though it’s aimed more at people who are on the fence about it.

      Stonetoss has a Twitter page, a facebook page, and an instagram page. Striking at those will reduce his audience by maybe 90%. The Twitter page has received several reports over the year by the subreddit, but I believe we need a coordinated effort for Twitter to take it seriously (every time they agree that it broke the rules but at most they delete the tweet).

      Open the comments on his latest post on the fb page: The two top comments are anti-semitic bullshit. Report this. If you’re on Discord servers, ask people there to report as well. But be wary of doing this on Twitter, stonetoss is known to publicly attack his reporters so as to send his fans against them.

      ^ to report on facebook, select the comment, then hate speech -> religion. Then on the last window under “more” select “report the comment” (the last option, don’t remember exactly what it says right now) and it will go for human review. Also report the comic itself, since it’s anti-Semitic bullshit.

      I believe when deplatforming fascists, nothing should be off-limits, including doxxing, but I have no reason to believe we will need to go that far. Deleting his online presence will force him into irrelevance, possibly to the point he will stop making comics altogether.

      Probably we may have to start an harassment campaign against him. Imagine every time he opens Twitter his notifications are full of people harassing him. Either it will cause him to slip up and get him banned, or he’ll be unable to take it and leave.

      Also watch for new venues of distribution he might try to get (or the person you want to deplatform might try). For example last year he opened a gumroad page to collect funding. A quick anonymous email to gumroad, and htey closed that shit down ASAP. Now he’s on “newproject2”, a shitty “free speech” knockoff. It was called the N*gronomicon, I shit you not, and he’s since cleaned up his act because people were getting on to him lol.

      And it feels good to actually be able to talk about it here!

      • Muad'DibberA
        4 years ago

        I believe when deplatforming fascists, nothing should be off-limits, including doxxing, but I have no reason to believe we will need to go that far. Deleting his online presence will force him into irrelevance, possibly to the point he will stop making comics altogether.

        My comrade . o7

        I’ll support this any way I can.

      • RandomSovietKidM
        4 years ago

        Do I need to have a Facebook account to report a comment there? Or did I just not find the report button?

        Actually, I just might create a Facebook account (not using my real personal data, of course) to do this stuff. Looking forward to further announcements, such as the harassment campaign against him (we probably need to gain some traffic here before that has an effect, though).

        • CriticalResist8OPMA
          4 years ago

          I’m not sure if you need an account, but the report button is in the three dots menu, either here:

          Or here in comments:

          (you have to hover over the comment)

          My idea for the start is to build some community here, either from this instance’s regulars, or from outside (for which I would like to try and get the reddit subscribers here), and then start going after him on the regular. I noticed Facebook removed the post I told you about after I reported it, but they don’t seem to have limited the page in any other way yet.

          Would you like to mod the lemmy AST? We’ve had a few trolls making accounts here and we could use some help to catch them earlier.

          • RandomSovietKidM
            4 years ago

            OK, the dots don’t show for me even if I hover. Maybe you do need a Facebook account for that. I’m going to try to create one tomorrow.

            Sure, if that helps, I’d like to mod here. Just note that I live in Europe, so I might be asleep or busy while Americans are online (actualy I should be sleeping already, it’s beyond midnight), but I can be online at times where most Americans aren’t.

  • RandomSovietKidM
    4 years ago

    /u/CriticalResist8 I’ve a question — you made this collection of templates a year ago: But it seems that it hasn’t been updated anywhen recently. What’s the reason for that?

    That template collection was really useful. How about updating it? If you have not time, I could do that too. Or is an up-to-date template collection located somewhere else, and I just can’t find the link?

    • CriticalResist8OPMA
      4 years ago

      I haven’t updated in a while because it takes some time to do ^^’

      If you search by flair:Template in the search bar on Reddit you should find most of them, Rawrkanos used to post them as they came out.

      Unfortunately with the way imgur works the album is linked to my main account, we’d have to make a dummy account for trusted people and remake the whole album if I wanted to have other people help with the templates.

      Probably this weekend I’ll just take the time to put in the new templates that have been submitted to the reddit. There will probably be some comics missing.

      Edit: yeah I went ahead and did it anyway.

      • BuffaloBones
        4 years ago

        Wouldn’t it be possible to get a helper to post up the edited images on imgur/wherever and then you could download it at full res and upload it to your album?

        It’s a little bit of legwork but as a workaround it’s probably not too bad…

        Edit: Also I find doing editing work like this more gratifying than by rights it should be and it’s been quite a while since I’ve made meme templates. I’d be willing to help out with this if you ever need a set of hands.

        • CriticalResist8OPMA
          4 years ago

          Edit: thanks for offering your help, I’ll look into a workaround I can use so that I can update more frequently.

          I was originally thinking of a cryptpad file but it’s not working as I hoped. I’ll PM you when I get something working though!