The mod team of r/antifastonetoss on Reddit has chosen to revive the c/antifastonetoss community on Lemmy.

Our plan is first to repost comics from r/AST here. Then, we will start organising to actually deplatform stonetoss from the internet, which we are allowed to do here (and yes it’s legal).

This community is therefore a bit different from the subreddit. We hope to do more organising here. Some examples:

  • post tweets or facebook posts from stonetoss that we can report.
  • save shit he says for posterity (like the time he appeared on the killstream, now deleted, or the time he went to Japan and was sad women weren’t throwing themselves at him, also deleted).
  • tweet our edgier comics back at him!

If you’re new on lemmy, we also hope that you’ll enjoy the website enough to stay!

If you’re not new on Lemmy, we hope you’ll subscribe to our community!

  • RandomSovietKidM
    4 years ago

    Do I need to have a Facebook account to report a comment there? Or did I just not find the report button?

    Actually, I just might create a Facebook account (not using my real personal data, of course) to do this stuff. Looking forward to further announcements, such as the harassment campaign against him (we probably need to gain some traffic here before that has an effect, though).

    • CriticalResist8OPMA
      4 years ago

      I’m not sure if you need an account, but the report button is in the three dots menu, either here:

      Or here in comments:

      (you have to hover over the comment)

      My idea for the start is to build some community here, either from this instance’s regulars, or from outside (for which I would like to try and get the reddit subscribers here), and then start going after him on the regular. I noticed Facebook removed the post I told you about after I reported it, but they don’t seem to have limited the page in any other way yet.

      Would you like to mod the lemmy AST? We’ve had a few trolls making accounts here and we could use some help to catch them earlier.

      • RandomSovietKidM
        4 years ago

        OK, the dots don’t show for me even if I hover. Maybe you do need a Facebook account for that. I’m going to try to create one tomorrow.

        Sure, if that helps, I’d like to mod here. Just note that I live in Europe, so I might be asleep or busy while Americans are online (actualy I should be sleeping already, it’s beyond midnight), but I can be online at times where most Americans aren’t.