…left has a Soviet flag, the center guy has a Russian flag, the guy on the right has a tsarist Russian flag. Just felt interesting somehow

    • lil_tank
      2 years ago

      It’s chauvinism, not working class pride and hope for a better society

        • lil_tank
          2 years ago

          You’re right to point that out. I didn’t mean that Russian nationalism was vile as Imperial core nationalism. However the current Russian state is still serving the national bourgeoisie and therefore I don’t think we should call it class struggle. Capitalist nations can and will pick the side that fit their interests. Putin and the Russian capitalist class wanted to be part of NATO until they understood that NATO will remain committed to considering Russia an enemy. They have to pick the side of the third world, so I suspect they could try to cannibilize the periphery when the opportunity comes. Solidarity between nations is what socialism is about not capitalism

            • lil_tank
              2 years ago

              Edit: (I understand it may look like trolling because I am asking questions. I am not trolling this is an attempt at dialectical process.)

              No worries comrade, your points are valid and I never thought you were trolling!

              I think it is true that the contemporary class structure of imperialism puts the Russian people in a position of being the oppressed class. However we must keep in mind that class isn’t a reason to be uncritical to a number of positions, because reaction exists in the oppressed class too. Looking at the original post, I see reactionary elements that must be criticized because the Russian Empire and the Orthodox Church are not elements that enable national liberation. National liberation, which is the left wing nationalism we are looking for, is rooted in the ambition to restart the socialist project in the whole the former Soviet Union, not in a melting pot of everything that made Russia “great” by any standard!

                • lil_tank
                  2 years ago

                  Who is “we” here? Certainly not the people in Donbass under 8 year siege.

                  Comrade, don’t accuse me of not supporting the protection of the Donbas people by the Russian Federation! On the contrary, as is often mentioned: a socialist Russia wouldn’t have waited 8 years because solidarity would have been its priority. Putin has waited until the last moment trying not to upset the West because as a representative of the capitalist class he had no reason to help those people against fascism before he realised that the situation truly threatened the safety of the country.

                  I don’t think it is about good and bad Russians obviously, reactionary elements in the international working class and periphery are still inside the periphery but that’s no reason to let ideological elements pollute Marxism. You’re right to point that when an imperialist war is being waged, the contradictions inside the country become secondary. However I want to stress that secondary doesn’t make them irrelevant or worse, resolved.

                  In the end, I want to say that our effort in propaganda shall not be concentrated against the Russian nationalism. However, the way we criticize the original post, between Marxists in a revolutionary space, is a necessary part of keeping reactionary deviations outside of it.

                  (Idk whos downvoting, you should know I am not downvoting your replies because I hold them in great respect)

        • PolandIsAStateOfMind
          2 years ago

          As every bourgeoise nationalism it’s promoting class solidarity, not class struggle - even if in current conditions it’s objectively antiimperialist.

    • linkhidalgogato
      2 years ago

      in this context I meant right wing nationalism, which… I hope I don’t have to explain why its bad.

      I actually don’t think there is anything wrong with the concept of left nationalism or people taking pride in the fact that they are a people, which is presumably what you were thinking about.