Comrades, wake up, sources say.

It may be time that you may read your daily propaganda, an unnamed source tells me.

Allegations of a newsreport from the CNN have just been made public by various anonymous sources.

My sources tell me you may want to give your opinion on this.

        • Lil Kitai
          2 years ago

          Literally a couple of years before all this ‘Uyghur genocide’ shit spread across the media, Alt Righters and white nationalists were literally going like “DEUS VULT!! DEUS VULT!!!”… Several mosques were even shot up (Quebec and New Zealand).

          And this is my personal anecdote, but I remember during this time, I was actually looking at videos on Youtube talking about terrorism in China and how China is dealing with it. In the comment sections, I literally see a bunch of these Alt Righters PRAISING China for being hard on Islam… ya know… unlike their ‘cucked’ European leaders who were apparently ‘allowing Arab men rape their precious huwite wimminz in the streets’ (the whole rapefugee narrative pushed by the right at the time)…

          Isn’t it fucking great? You get your country bombed and destroyed by the West, and when you try to flee as refugees to Europe, a place that’s promised to you to be livable, you get labeled and framed as rapists and sexual predators by insecure white supremacists who probably secretly jerk off to Blacked.

          What a fucking clown show…

          • PolandIsAStateOfMind
            2 years ago

            They are still going DEUS VULT but lib media propagate this less so it’s just reduced to their more or less obscure net dens.

            Turns out, just as we were all suspecting, that the nazis themselves aren’t strong by themselves, but libs and lib capitalist media enabling is the chief reason of that shit spreading around.