• @Augustus
    4 years ago

    Mastodon (the base) seems to be an apex of liberalism

    They present for instance their profiles with a flurry of radical symbols (anarchist A and hammer and sickle etc.) as well as pronouns, (which are radical right now but will probably be normal in 20 years or so)

    They display them like so many fridge magnets or perhaps more aptly a Che Guevara t shirt

    And whilst they’re virulently anti marxism-leninism (which is too authoritarian) they can exist in their ultimate form of individuality as an anarcho-bolshevik, furry who only wants to be referred to as they\them etc.

    It’s why they can separate themselves from a peace time catastrophe(capitalist restoration) in Russia which killed over 10 million people

    As Stalin said, with capitalist restoration the world proletariat was seized by the throat and an era of the blackest reaction set in

    Permanent war, impoverishment of the world proletariat, US went on a global rampage and cemented its ideological hegemony as Mark Fisher described: people lost the ability to believe in anything else to the point they could envisage the end of the world before they could envision the end of capitalism

    What would happen if capital succeeded in smashing the Republic of Soviets? There would set in an era of the blackest reaction in all the capitalist and colonial countries, the working class and the oppressed peoples would be seized by the throat, the positions of international communism would be lost.

    J.V. Stalin

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      84 years ago

      I added hammer and sickle on my profile cause I got tired of people following me and then getting upset realizing I was a communist and trying to educate me how communism killed a 100 million people.

    • @pimento
      74 years ago

      The people with hammer and sickle in their displayname are almost all comrades. If you add that to your own displayname and follow people that have it as well, liberals and anarchists wont bother you much.

    • @calmlamp
      4 years ago

      Why are you calling out disclosing pronouns here?

      • @Augustus
        4 years ago

        Im not calling out people disclosing pronouns in the same way im not calling out people who have the anarchist A in their name or the hammer and sickle

        I’m calling out those that seem to collect these radical symbols into their profiles like fridge magnets and who are more concerned with aesthetics than ideology

        In other words they’ve appropriated all these radical symbols as an expression of their individualism

        • @calmlamp
          54 years ago

          The idea that disclosing pronouns should be normalized even for cis people is a pretty established part of trans politics. The idea is to shift the norm away from trying to guess people’s pronouns based on the way they present, and just make it normal not to assume.

          Even when someone is doing so for allegedly “the wrong reasons” like they’re just trying to do the fashionable thing, they still contribute to establishing a new norm that harms trans people a bit less.

          I get what you’re getting at with people fashionably assigning symbols to themselves to make themselves look more radical but I don’t think pronouns in bios should be lumped in with that.

          • @Augustus
            24 years ago

            I agree

            Which is why i said

            (which are radical right now but will probably be normal in 20 years or so

    • loathesome dongeaterOPM
      44 years ago

      There are some MLs on my instance so liberalism like this is put in check to a small extent. Notice how it’s content warned with 'spicy take" and instead of virulent Sovietphobia it’s hidden behind the veneer of enlightened both-sides-ing. I can see how a generic American “leftist” instance would be full to the brim with CIA propaganda.

      • @Augustus
        44 years ago

        When these radical individualists pose “spicy takes” i have to ask?

        Who are these “spicy” takes for?

        Because as far as I can tell all these people live safely in the heart of capitalist-imperialism where anti-communism\anti-sovietism is a religious orthodoxy

        What is your instance might i ask?

        • loathesome dongeaterOPM
          34 years ago

          radical.town is the instance. “spicy take” is some bs to deflect criticism i suppose.

          • Muad'DibberA
            34 years ago

            That’s a good instance, the MLs I have seen are always from there.

              • @pimento
                34 years ago

                todon.nl is full of anti-tankie anarchists. dont bother with it.

                • loathesome dongeaterOPM
                  24 years ago

                  Yes it said “anti-authoritarian” which is code for “I do CIA’s work for free”

          • @XiangMai
            34 years ago

            Nice pretty much all my favourite people are from that. I am on the main mastodon.social one and occasionally get angry anarchists screaming at me