• loathesome dongeaterOPM
    44 years ago

    There are some MLs on my instance so liberalism like this is put in check to a small extent. Notice how it’s content warned with 'spicy take" and instead of virulent Sovietphobia it’s hidden behind the veneer of enlightened both-sides-ing. I can see how a generic American “leftist” instance would be full to the brim with CIA propaganda.

    • @Augustus
      44 years ago

      When these radical individualists pose “spicy takes” i have to ask?

      Who are these “spicy” takes for?

      Because as far as I can tell all these people live safely in the heart of capitalist-imperialism where anti-communism\anti-sovietism is a religious orthodoxy

      What is your instance might i ask?

      • loathesome dongeaterOPM
        34 years ago

        radical.town is the instance. “spicy take” is some bs to deflect criticism i suppose.

        • Muad'DibberA
          34 years ago

          That’s a good instance, the MLs I have seen are always from there.

            • @pimento
              34 years ago

              todon.nl is full of anti-tankie anarchists. dont bother with it.

              • loathesome dongeaterOPM
                24 years ago

                Yes it said “anti-authoritarian” which is code for “I do CIA’s work for free”

        • @XiangMai
          34 years ago

          Nice pretty much all my favourite people are from that. I am on the main mastodon.social one and occasionally get angry anarchists screaming at me