also note that most of those subs are the ones that fuckin full-on slurp up anything anti-china, and that most of them are anarchokiddie subs.

  • Augustus
    4 years ago

    The most addicted ‘city’ was Eglin airbase though and that was back in 2014

    I seriously doubt US spooks have declined their use of astro turfing

    • CriticalResist8A
      4 years ago

      Yeah, but at some point the masses will internalize your message and start doing your work for you. I believe this is what happens a lot

      Everyone talks about how widely Reddit is astroturfed, but I’ve yet to find credible evidence of this – apart from Eglin of course, though that was in 2014 and programmes come and go.

      Redditors believe what they read on Reddit and start repeating it. The whole site is a microcosm and if something becomes a meme (such as China Bad), they’ll start repeating it themselves without being prompted. I believe that this is what takes up the most volume on Reddit, propaganda outlets are a small part of it.

      • Augustus
        4 years ago

        Well since 2014 the US legalised a law that previously prohibited domestic propaganda

        Honestly the China stuff is likely a psyop by the Cia

        Take the Ama by Rushan Abbas who partook in torture in Guantanamo (at the very least interrogating) and has worked with every arm of the US regime change (Radio free asia, state dept etc.)

      • TeethOrCoat
        4 years ago

        Redditors believe what they read on Reddit and start repeating it. The whole site is a microcosm and if something becomes a meme (such as China Bad), they’ll start repeating it themselves without being prompted. I believe that this is what takes up the most volume on Reddit, propaganda outlets are a small part of it.

        I think so too and this works for our side as well. The problem we run into is we don’t have the sheer numbers on our side (which means our posting, upvotes and downvotes need to be organized at some point to force visibility) and even in cases when we do have the numbers, the libs sniff out anything mildly left like a bloodhound and hold the power to outright silence us when we gain visibility.

        It also doesn’t help that many leftists spend their time online not on debunking reactionaries but on “owning the tankies” and when they attempt to debunk they tend to do lib-appealing shit like qualify their position on said enemy nation (For e.g. I know said and said nation is bad but) before getting to the actual debunk.

        • CriticalResist8A
          4 years ago

          I’ve been trying out different ways of getting the message out there and tbh in my experience only two things work:

          • either you find someone who will be slightly receptive and you can have a one-on-one with them
          • or you keep repeating the message enough in mainstream spaces.

          I was partly radicalized because there was such a large amount of communists on r/shitamericanssay, and they motivated me to read Marx. I’ve also had some, limited, results with casting a net and reeling in one person who bites – start talking about marxist stuff on frontpage posts and if someone engages with you, you can try to

          But mostly I think people start to believe what they hear often, even if it’s not true. Fox news uses this really well. It’s important to keep the fight going on Reddit, but it’s also not the end-all be-all of all organising, and it’s okay to take a break when libs start getting to you.

          With that said I recently wrote a short article on r/cleanlivingkings, a toxic masculinity space for conservatives, and I think it’s entirely possible to deprogram these kids. Most of them are young, are just starting to experience the world anti-SJWs told them they would grow up into, and could be approached with empathy to help them out of this reactionary space.

          • gallock
            4 years ago

            That’s true, and I think you show class consciousness by saying that. It’s easy to fall into dichotomy and say “all these rightoids are fascists”, thinking we’re “in the right side”, but, look, we’ve all been wrong, we’ve all been there. There are many people who are now leftists but had this rightoid phase.