(Have no idea if I asked this before or not, but here goes.)

So basically, is there any realistic hope of Russia becoming socialist once more at some point within the new few decades? Preferably even a return of the Soviet Union?

  • @201dberg
    181 year ago

    I could see it in a few decades maybe when China has gotten closer to, or already has, fully converted to socialism. Assuming China still has close ties to Russia. Being so close might be the push that’s needed. When you live in capitalist squalor while your socialist neighbors have created a utopia it’s hard to not take notice.

    Assuming the US doesn’t destroy the world at some point before then. That’s a weird thing to think about too. The world as a whole needs the US to fall if there is to be any hope for a real future, especially a socialist one. At the same time it is the US’s existence that has driven China and Russia to be so close. If the US falls while Russia is still strongly capitalist then I see Russia immediately trying to distance themselves from China. No way around it. A strongly capitalist nation would never, under normal circumstances, want to be so closely tied to a socialist one. Their relationship now is one of self preservation against a worse foe. So I think for Russia to go socialist the US will have to exist for juuust long enough to keep those two as close allies. Where Chinese socialist influence might push the Russian proletariat back to Socialism, but not so long as to allow it a chance to do something like start a nuclear holocaust.

    I mean, it still could happen later down the road after the fall of the US but there’s way more bumps along the way I think. As we know, capitalism will eventually turn to fascism to maintain power. If Russian leadership means to stay capitalist, especially while being so close to a fully realized socialist society, it will have to take extreme measures to stay in power. I see one of two things happening. It will either cave so much to the people’s demand for better conditions that it won’t really be fully capitalist anymore, which will allow for further socialization of the government or it will seek extremes to maintain their own status quo.

    Course this could all be bullshit. I have no idea what I’m talking about most of the time anyway. I’m just a rambling crazy person.

    • @cayde6ml
      151 year ago

      I understand your reasoning, but I think you are being too cynical. I have “faith” that despite Russia being capitalist, due to a combination of popular support for communism and warming relations with China, Russia will remember who helped them the most in times of need, and I’m sure that Russia will follow China’s path.