Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home. Sit down on the floor over there. No, it hasn’t been cleaned for a few weeks. What? No, there are no chairs. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

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  • @ComradeChairmanKGB
    131 year ago

    Am I missing something or does it look really insecure? Thin enough to cut. Short enough to climb, and no wire on top. No braces so push it over maybe?

    • @redtea
      131 year ago

      Short enough to climb

      I’m now imagining you scaling the wall with your bear hands.

      But also, you’re right, it does look insecure. But that’s part of the plan. Anyone looking to climb up will think twice when they realise it might topple over when they get to the top.

    • 陈卫华是我的英雄
      121 year ago

      John Oliver had a rare w moment some time ago. IIRC he hired someone to literally shake the border wall with their bare hands and it wobbled by almost a whole meter (video was John Oliver Border Wall II, now unavailable for some reason). Lots of the wall was built on shit ground that was cracked or constantly soaked, and its foundations are shallow enough to dig through. Also, most illegal immigrants don’t get here by crossing the border. They just come for a “tourist trip” and ignore the expiration date on their visas.

    • @sparkingcircuit
      91 year ago

      No your not missing anything, the Amerikka doesn’t build anything properly, not even there racist “keep the browns away” wall.

      • @Shrike502
        51 year ago

        Or maybe that’s intentional. When the wall will inevitably fail to achieve its proposed goal, another set of repressive measures will be announced

    • 小莱卡
      61 year ago

      It’s more about symbolism than actually keeping people out. A big waste of money tbh