Praise pedo incest man with one testicle!!!

but in all seriousness, what the fuck

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    2 years ago

    Reddit has infinite trollpower and some of them noticed most ML’s left their shitstain site.

    Still, lemmy admins aren’t doing too cool. Reddit subs despite rigorous purging fell to libs and ultras takeover, and here they don’t even try to contain that plague.

    • Catraism-StalinismOP
      242 years ago

      beehaw is getting wayyyy more reactionary. But they are very civil as of now. I think ignoring it is the best course of action. It does not have close enough to a shadow of a user-base necessary to keep engagement and attract content.

      • Lenins2ndCat
        2 years ago

        If this instance wants to see these attacks fail then it should get behind helping fill the skill gaps Hexbear needs to get federated.

        All of this will basically go away as lemmygrad will gain an ally that dwarfs all the other instances combined in total content output. It’s also extremely beneficial that Hexbear is a mixed ideology leftist site of likeminded principled anti-imperialists who genuinely do not do any infighting. When Hexbear’s userbase steps up to defend lemmygrad in the federation it will not be possible to slander it as “fascist”. The landscape will be lemmygrad as hard ML, Hexbear as mixed ground anarchist, soft left and ML, then everything new that’s made because Hexbear isn’t liberal enough will just clearly be liberal. It won’t be possible for the neoliberals to coopt the leftist aesthetics, which is what’s really going on here, they are trying to do wrecker attacks on the actual leftist spaces and replace them with fake leftist spaces run by liberals.

        This also extends to ops that are occurring here. Keep an eye out for calls to split from the lemmy federation, these calls are being made by wrecker accounts that are only days old. Splitting lemmygrad from its source of growth and its ability to influence the future course of the project is only beneficial to liberals.

          • Lenins2ndCat
            2 years ago

            Lemmygrad will only benefit from it, 100% certain.

            There will be absolutely no issues with hexbear users because the site culture of hexbear is anti-infighting among the left. All leftists there are comrades.

            The effect on lemmygrad will just be a large boost in commenting while the effect on Lemmy will be that it takes over as the primary “mixed” leftist space. The other spaces have been created as weapons and should be viewed similarly in my opinion to spaces on reddit like tankiejerk and the “v2” subreddits of TRCM, GaP and others that were all created as anti-tankie staging grounds to try and undermine the original subreddits. All that shit they tried over on reddit ultimately only hardened the reddit left and forced it to better organise and mix. Honestly I think the feds/neoliberals/whatever that were orchestrating it made horrible mistakes because the reaction was that it radicalised basically every single team that they attacked and hardened the entire left.

            These groups have brought the same tactics from reddit over to lemmy and they will collapse via the same methods that they collapsed on reddit. They’re also in a much worse position vis a vis the federation because once they are outed as a staging ground for purely wrecker shit they will end up outside the federation.

            Anyway the long and the short of it is that Hexbear is perfect for pulling heat off lemmygrad and the userbase, admins and mods over there has dealt with so much wrecker shit that their userbase joining the federation will hurt the wreckers considerably.

              • Lenins2ndCat
                172 years ago

                It is which is why people should fucking help Hexbear if they like this space and have any of the skills they need. There’s a whole ecosystem of interlocking parts that the left needs to stave off this bullshit and different instances that accomplish different tasks will be beneficial to all other leftist instances when properly brought together.

                • @CriticalResist8A
                  72 years ago

                  But why did hexbear decide to fork lemmy instead of contributing to it directly? They would have been federated by now.

                  • Lenins2ndCat
                    2 years ago

                    Poor decisions and inexperience initially, but it would have happened anyway. Lemmy was not functionally capable of having the amount of activity on it that Hexbear was getting, and Lemmy dev at the time Hexbear was launching had completely different priorities to Hexbear dev. Hexbear was forced to develop with a “we absolutely are forced to do this by the total amount of activity we have” whereas Lemmy was focused on achieving federation to meet (I think) targets to receive some funding stuff at the time.

                    This difference in priorities would have forced the two apart one way or another even with some of the poor decisions. I think part of it was also that nobody really knew what volunteer problems would happen down the line, that key skills would just walk away from the project due to burnout from early wrecker dramas, etc etc. I also suspect that with the nature of CTH being banned suddenly with nothing up and running a lot of things were also rushed because the discord lifeboat was a drama magnet that was imploding at the time too, but I’m just speculating on that one.

                    Hexbear received fed interest from the very start and is directly named in one think tank report by Australian feds too. It’s fair to say they’ve probably been actively involved in trying to destroy it from the beginning.

        • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
          172 years ago

          But doesn’t Hexbear run on it’s own fork of Lemmy? Is it possible to federate in this case, and is there even support for federation within the Hexbear instance?