• Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
      342 years ago

      Did you also know North Koreans are severely malnourished, while also being able to push their own trains to work?

      Crazy, right? But Ms. Park said so, therefore it must be true!

    • @CriticalResist8A
      322 years ago

      Yeah lol there’s no gay people in the DPRK obviously hahaha

      • @marmulak@lemmy.ml
        -322 years ago

        A lot of people grow up in the world not being well informed about sex and sexuality… not necessarily unique to Korea, but it is indeed possible that there is still this type of social conservatism there. Homosexuality was usually criminalized in communist countries until just very recently, and I am not currently aware of its status in the DPRK but I’m not sure I’d automatically assume that it’s a leader in that area.

        I’m guessing, if you are from the West, you have this misconception that values associated with communism are the same as they are in your country, but over here in the East it can be different. It’s no coincidence that today one of the most outspoken anti-LGBT countries in the world is Russia, and that also relates back to the country’s Soviet past. In Russia the kinds of people who want the USSR back and love Stalin, are a type of right-wing conservative who hate gays as much as they pine for lost Soviet Russian imperial power. They’re pretty much the opposite of Americans and Europeans who love the USSR today. The DPRK itself is a hangover from the USSR days.

          • @marmulak@lemmy.ml
            -102 years ago

            Аҳ, душмани диринаи ман… Мебинам, ки ҳанӯз ёд нагирифтӣ чӣ тавр бо дигарон дуруст муошират кунӣ.

            • 别搁这精神胜利啦,你有这时间就多看看书,多学习知识,你要是学不进去就多工作赚钱,多陪陪你家里人,犯不着闲着无事来这里给大家看笑

              • @marmulak@lemmy.ml
                -102 years ago

                Яъне, он қадар китоб хондаӣ, лекин ҳеҷ тарбият наёмӯхтӣ? Падарат ба ту чӣ ёд додааст? 😔

                • 你学过什么?道听途说听风是雨仅仅依靠外界片面信息了解某个国家并将其视为真理,这就是你学的?我不懂朝鲜和俄国怎么样,但凭你对中国的叙述就不难看出你对朝鲜俄国的看法也同样可笑捏

            • 我跟你说,这叫歇后语,翻译软件不知道是什么意思的,只有在中文的语境下你能理解歇后语的意思。我本来也不希望你能理解我说的话。你自己看不懂就说别人不懂得如何交流,这真的好吗?

    • @seanchai
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @marmulak@lemmy.ml
        -352 years ago

        I have no opinion on this, it’s just that in traditional or conservative societies most people may not know about these matters especially if they’re taboo

        • @seanchai
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

          • @marmulak@lemmy.ml
            -362 years ago

            This has nothing to do with whether or not gay people exist, but how society views or deals with these topics. The total absence of any law shouldn’t be taken to mean societal approval. If it’s so taboo that they won’t even talk about it, there won’t be any mention of it publicly or at home, so no laws, and some people will grow up not knowing what it is.

            You seem not to be very well aware of how this works. Part of the marginalization of sexual minorities does involve pretending they don’t exist, and you may also have heard of this place called the closet but if you don’t know what that is you can ask someone else.

            If you think all gay people are open and out in the DPRK and they get treated well by society, I would be a bit skeptical.

            Like I mentioned elsewhere, communism in North Korea isn’t California communism…

    • @Binkie55
      82 years ago

      most downvotes I’ve ever seen on a comment