• @SaddamHussein24
    32 years ago

    What neonazis did they support? And yes, the Communist Party of China, Workers Party of Korea, Lao Peoples Revolutionary Party and even the Communist Party of Vietnam are homophobic nowadays, in 2022. Do you condemn those too as reactionary?

    • Makan ☭ CPUSA
      -22 years ago

      They are absolutely not homophobic; they are all that stand in the way of homophobia lmao

      • @SaddamHussein24
        -92 years ago

        Ah yes, the CPC is not homophobic when they ban “sissy men”. The WPK also isnt homophobic when they say “there are no transgenders/homosexuals in DPRK, thats a western thing”. Same goes for Laos and Vietnam, although Vietnam to a lesser degree but still.

        • @cayde6ml
          102 years ago

          China never banned “sissy men” that was a mistranslation.

          • @SaddamHussein24
            -72 years ago

            It was not a mistranslation. Read this CGTN article about this same topic in 2021:


            "In December, the country’s education authorities responded for the first time to a controversial proposal raising alarm about a perceived deterioration of masculinity in Chinese boys.

            In the “Proposal to Prevent the Feminization of Male Adolescents,” Si Zefu, a delegate to China’s top political advisory body, said that Chinese boys are becoming “weak, timid and low self-esteemed,” traits which he summed up in one word: feminization."

            Literally rambling about “chinese boys losing their masculinity due to “sissy pants artists””. Very LGBT friendly LMFAO

            • @cayde6ml
              82 years ago

              I’m sure that the word of the law explaining the restriction and crackdown on wealthy, bourgeois lifestyles and social media presence is the exact same as a single person saying “effiminate men are icky” -/s

              • @SaddamHussein24
                -52 years ago

                Noone said its the same thing. But if CGTN, an official organ of the chinese state, can write an article with such blatant disgusting homophobic drivel, then its clear that homophobia is a big problem in China.

                • @cayde6ml
                  142 years ago

                  Of course homophobia is a problem in China, I take issue with people claiming that the law is specifically targeting effeminate and lgbt men. I’ve read stories and posts from actual LGBT comrades in China that have said that the law doesn’t mention effiminate men or that the media circus surrounding it exagerates things.

                  • @SaddamHussein24
                    32 years ago

                    Fair enough, i agree with you. The person i was responding to denied that there was any homophobia in China, which is ridiculous. This is why i said what i said.

        • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
          2 years ago

          There was funny thread few months ago at GenZedong, where you got your usual interview with DPRK man, then he started to say against LGBT, and the usual GenZedong uncritical support for DPRK fizzled for this one thread only, and they were like “Based… wait what? That’s surely a coincidence, how can a a man in country i uncritically support have opinion i do not uncritically support”. What was characteristic is that no discussion happened and the thread was largely ignored.

          Western left moment.

          • @SaddamHussein24
            42 years ago

            Do you have that thread saved somewhere? Id like to read it. I didnt see it since i havent used r/GenZedong since the mod purge. The new mods are rabid antiRussia and i cant stand that.

            I agree, western left (more like USA left tbh, in Europe there are dumb people but not that many) is so dogmatic at times. Like they will understand nuance when it comes to authoritarianism and so on, and will mock twitter anarchists for failing to do so, but then they will do the exact same thing regarding tabboo topics like patriotism and LGBT. And i wanna make clear that i fully support LGBT rights and i think its wrong that some socialist countries oppress them. But im not gonna stop supporting them just for that, im sorry for LGBT people but imperialism is more important to address for now. They are also extremely inconsistent. This guy denounced KKE just because they are mildly homophobic, but i dont see him denouncing Iran, where gay people are literally hanged, something horrific in my opinion.

            I also understand why LGBT people may feel angry towards such a policy, i feel this in my own skin. Im a drug user/exdrug addict and i believe drugs should be legalized. The way China treats drug addicts is horrible in my opinion, but im not gonna start supporting imperialism just for that!

            • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
              2 years ago

              Unfortunately i don’t have this thread saved, the issue appeared to be pretty hot back then, with accusations of “nazbols” and “patsocs” thrown around for slightest disagreement in many threads so i expected that to grow into something pretty huge, but it just fizzled and silently disappeared from sight (not removed so it still should be out there somewhere, just buried).

              And i wanna make clear that i fully support LGBT rights and i think its wrong that some socialist countries oppress them.

              Same here, hopefully all AES will come the same path as Cuba and i think it’s actually happening.

              Edit: some idiot even downvoted me for fully supporting LGBT rights? Maybe for having slight opinion difference? Fucking liberals lmao.

              • @SaddamHussein24
                -22 years ago

                “Nazbol” and “patsoc” is such a stupid meaningless word. It has lost all meaning, its just the ML equivalent of “tankie”, a bad word to smear MLs you dont like. Its even more hilarious with so called “patsocs”, who the american left attacks all the time just because they recognize that MLism is inherently patriotic. Western leftists bruh

          • @SaddamHussein24
            -12 years ago

            You are coping so much its insane. If China and DPRK are soooooo LGBT friendly, as you claim, where the fuck are the pride parades? Where are the LGBT advocacy groups? Are you seriously denying the insane bigotry LGBT people face in Asia? Look at how CGTN talks about “sissy feminine men”:

            "In December, the country’s education authorities responded for the first time to a controversial proposal raising alarm about a perceived deterioration of masculinity in Chinese boys.

            In the “Proposal to Prevent the Feminization of Male Adolescents,” Si Zefu, a delegate to China’s top political advisory body, said that Chinese boys are becoming “weak, timid and low self-esteemed,” traits which he summed up in one word: feminization."

            Source: https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-03-04/China-debates-masculinity-education-for-boys-YmjSM7bjVe/index.html

            • Makan ☭ CPUSA
              42 years ago

              There are a lot of pride parades. I have WeChat. I can verify that sexual minorities are indeed accepted and becoming more accepted.