• @panic
    142 years ago

    Why? In what way is onlyfans different from a pimp? In what way are these sex workers completely uncoerced by capitalism to perform or else starve?

    • @ledward
      2 years ago

      deleted by creator

      • @jamabalayaman
        122 years ago

        Yeah, but the chances of reaching that level are the same as your chances of becoming a pro athlete lol. The majority of onlyfans creators make less than minimum wage

    • @KrupskayaPraxis
      -42 years ago

      Not saying OnlyFans isn’t like a pimp but at least with onlyfans they have a choice to make porn and can stop if they want to, without coming in direct danger of sexual assault. Porn will never disappear, so we have to find more ethical ways of producing porn than the porn industry, and I think the solution lies with people producing their own porn