I don’t know if this is appropriate for this community or not, and I apologize if it isn’t.

I’m a leftist amateur writer who has been world-building a science fantasy socialist/communist society for use in roleplaying and potential future story writing. Basically, a communist nation of animals who have cast aside predator-prey relationships. The characters are animals simply because I like animals, but it could also represent the fact that prehistoric hunter-gatherer tribes are thought of as communist (symbolized by the fact that animals are thought of as being closer to nature). Here are my writings:

The society itself: https://old.reddit.com/r/fantasywriters/comments/iy5jmh/the_unified_territories_a_nation_of_intelligent/

My main character: https://old.reddit.com/r/scifiwriting/comments/k91k13/yvonne_dandelionpaw_the_chemist_cat/

I would appreciate feedback, especially in terms of whether this is actually communism.

  • @pimento
    13 years ago

    Fair enough, I cant disagree with Xi Jinping.

    • @TeethOrCoat
      33 years ago

      Of course you can. Way I see it is it’s just some goal that we can continuously move toward even if we never get there. I mean we aren’t gonna look back down the road and find that we’ve improved people’s lives for nothing are we? Great revolutionaries talk about this great feeling of love that guides them to do what they do. It’s not the most materialist reason but I think we’re allowed to be spiritual sometimes.