I’m talking about people like Vaush, Adam Something, even Elon Musk. Hell, even people like George Orwell claimed to be socialist so it’s not a new thing. They’re not “Marxist but not Leninist”, or anarcho socialists/communists or whatever, but people who don’t even come close to being any sort of leftist at all!

It’s not like socialism is a very glamorous thing to be in the West, or ever was. The average Westerner either thinks socialism is even worse than fascism, or thinks fascism is a type of socialism. Those two are generally for people like and don’t like fascism respectively. It’s definitely not like being an athlete or being in a band or something where you stand to actually impress the general populus if you lie about it.

So I genuinely don’t understand this: if you’re a Westerner, why would you pick socialism as part of an already fake character you’re casting yourself as? What favours is it doing for you?

Like, I’m a Westerner (at least, I live and grew up in the West, not born there and not white tho), and I’m genuinely a socialist (Marxist-Leninist). And I do the opposite to these fake socialists: I keep that identity on the down low in public places IRL, because I’m worried I might actually get persecuted for it (physically attacked, probably not unless I’m in a really far right crowd, I’m mainly worried about things like job prospects). I definitely don’t do things like broadcast that identity to people who know me IRL (most probably think I’m Sanders-esque socdem at best), and especially not to random people I come across on the street. I genuinely can’t imagine anyone in the West getting brownie points for being a socialist, so why wear that hat unless you actually believe in socialism?

  • KiG V2
    2 years ago

    It’s all a part of a massive, incredibly powerful campaign that’s been going on for a century with one goal: maintain the power of the capitalists.

    There is layers to it, and people will get past Layer 1 and think they “made it” to “the truth” when in reality there is a half dozen more layers ready to catch their fall before they plummet irreversibly into communism.

    Funnel this person into fascism. Funnel this person into drugs. Funnel this person into rise and grind bloomer techbro. Funnel this person into terminally online faux-leftist doomer. Funnel this person into the police. Funnel this person into music. Funnel this person into religion. Funnel this person into atheism.

    I’m kind of ranting cuz im tired and in a weird life circumstance but yeah. It’s like exhales cloud of smoke all connected, mannn

    Yeahhhh it’s unstructured rant time

    Nah but fr it’s just like one of the biggest layers, a final powerful safety net, a Boss level false consciousness, this Synth Left. The Wokeism too. These things are trendy. Sexy. They fit perfectly with the preexisting American capitalistic values ingrained in these people. The apathy, the smug condescension, the dunking. The hatred. Imagine not having to change a thing about how you think or feel or act but getting to feel so powerfully intellectually and morally righteous. The world is doomed, duh, but at least YOU WERE RIGHT. They genuinely believe there is no hope, they are Orientalists who think China is a barbaric brutalist hellscape where everyone eats their pets works for pennies and constantly attempts suicide. Americans are victims of the greatest brainwashing the human race has ever seen.

    It’s all just aesthetics. It’s just a cool thing to put in a bio. They attack XYZ bigotry because they have been taught to but happily would mock someone for being ugly or their clothes or a not-famous mental illness or being poor because they don’t like people. They want to be cruel, but they want to be worshipped. They realize they can’t be cruel to Woke protected peoples so they instead channel their cruelty to the “deserving,” the filthy lumpenproles. Only. They’re lowkey scared of them. The Trump dads LARPing with ARs. These synths are (no hate) weaksauce. I have met them in real life: confrontation makes them cringe and stutter and malfunction. They aren’t Real™. They are overwhelmingly middle to upper middle class spoiled, squishy white suburbanites who think the worst thing that can happen to you is getting ratioed or having bad music taste. They’re scared of MAGA maggots so they instead take this cruelty and project it onto the vulnerable.

    They don’t know the depths of real suffering. Death isn’t really on the table for them. Reading about it is one thing, truly believing it in your gut is another. They’ve never been hit, physically. They’ve never been hurt, severely. They don’t hide it because they don’t fear any reprisal. It doesn’t occur to them that if they were a serious threat to the system that they would be getting clubbed by fascists or suicided by feds or (at the very least) suppressed in every facet of society instead of lauded with their politics in media (oh, great, more fuel for Nazi conspiracy). It’s just a hobby. A social club. One day we’ll get an epic wokelord anarchist into office and they’ll make all the stinky Trump poopyheads go away and I can work 2 hours a week at a record store for $5000 an hour and I’ll donate it to some African food drive and Everybody Will Like Me.

    The divide between the “REAAALLL” leftists and the nasty redfash genocidal tankies (ew, gross) has been purposefully stoked by CIA and friends for decades. They want us to be bogged down in academic gridlock. They want us picking each other apart to pieces, endlessly criticizing and reacting. They want us to hate the lumpenproles instead of appreciating how we are all victims of brainwashing. They want the Revolution™ to be ill defined and for this to be taken for granted. A vague idealistic idea. The world starts and ends with your following online. It’s all just the path of least resistance.

    I would apologize for this but…you’re the one who read it. You fool.