Shocking footage. Unaware Ukrainian troops mistake an approaching Russian tank for one of their own and suffer the terrible consequences. The camera man runs away inmediatly. You can hear the fray of the battle behind. vid:

    • @KevinDurant
      2 years ago

      The war itself is an progressive force towards a socialist world, and is objectively “good” from the perspective of those struggling against the Fourth Reich.

      Do not wash this war down into some abstract universal reflection of evil.

      This war is unfortunately necessary to defeat the Nazi Empire.

      with select few benefitting from it and countless being manipulated to believe its somehow “good”.

      The “select few” benefiting from it are the people of the entire world outside of the Fourth Reich.

      I find your framing to be abstract.

        • @KevinDurant
          -182 years ago

          Holy shit you’re actually an anarchist.

          This isn’t about me going to victims of US Imperialism and telling them that the war is “good for them”

          I’m blown away that this is your analysis.

          Who am I supporting?

          I am supporting the end of White Hegemonic Empire. You are supporting an abstract fantasy where that is supposed to happen without innocent people being affected.

          Every death in this war is a responsibility of the Fourth Reich.

          Your abstract, immaterial analysis is borderline Nazi apologia.

          • Sojik
            112 years ago

            Was this guy banned for this comment? Seems unwarranted if this was the only reason.

            • Camarada ForteA
              2 years ago

              If you check his profile page, he has repeatedly offended others and has been a constant pain in the ass. In the modlog you can see they were banned for being disrespectful to others, not because of his shitty take

            • @panic
              2 years ago

              They were accusing people of being anarchists and spreading nazi apologia without any sources. Repeatedly. I blocked them because they were so annoying I assumed it was a troll.

              Modlog says “broke rule 3 and called an admin a moron”. It’s fair.


              Before replying consider this: I don’t care about forum drama, please don’t make me care about forum drama.

              • @TheBlurstOfGuys
                32 years ago

                Calling an admin a moron is not something that should be a bannable offence.

                • @panic
                  72 years ago

                  Lemmygrad sidebar, rule 3:

                  Be respectful. This is a safe space where all comrades should feel welcome, this includes a warning against uncritical sectarianism.

                  “You’re a fucking moron” doesn’t sound like a respectful thing to say to your comrades. That user sounded like they wanted to start shit, throwing around accusations and providing zero reasons. They didn’t get banned for calling an admin a moron and nothing else.

                  If I was a forum admin I would forbid reddit brain and ban without mercy.

                  • @TheBlurstOfGuys
                    42 years ago

                    I disagree, it doesn’t at all sound like they just wanted to start shit, it sounds like they had a real grievance with an idealistic framing. I don’t agree at all with him that “The war itself is an progressive force towards a socialist world” but I absolutely disagree too with the other centrist guy trying to pretend that these Nazi allies are somehow innocent poor people versus “the rich”.

                    The problem with these “respectful” crap is that it can be loosely applied anywhere and selectively enforced. Was the first guy being respectful when he accused the other of supporting the rich? This happening in a thread where someone started with “this right here is what makes this community truly different from that redditor horde.”. This kind of shit is exactly the type of fragile modding thing that reddit is rife with.

                    At the very most it should be a warning. This place is completely fucked if this kind of thing is allowed to continue.

            • @SaddamHussein24
              2 years ago

              I mostly agree with what you are saying but the socialist states didnt fall because “they lost popular support” or “there was no food on the table”. It was the revisionism of the post1956 CPSU (especially Khrushchev) together with western propaganda and liberal infiltration of the party (Gorbachev, Yakovlev and others) that killed socialism in Europe. Even those who supported perestroika didnt want the end of socialism, only a better version of it.

                • @SaddamHussein24
                  2 years ago

                  But its not true that in the 80s “there was no food”. Sure there were shortages and no luxury goods, but noone starved, the starvation began after communism fell. Not even in Romania, the country with the worst living standards in the 80s due to the austerity regime, were people actually starving. About soviet revisionism you can read Mao and Hoxha, although they also ended up falling into their own type of revisionism in my opinion (Mao promoted the cultural revolution and allied with the US against the USSR and Hoxha became completely isolated from all countries and also funded terrorist groups in Kosovo in Yugoslavia). On the USSR you should read a book called “Socialism Betrayed” by Roger Keeran and Thomas Kenny, which explores why the USSR collapsed.

                  The biggest reason is imo revisionism. After Stalin died, the bureoucrats and opportunists that had been targeted by his policies (unlike whats often believed, Stalin fought very hard for democracy and worker power and against bureoucrats. He encouraged open criticism of bureoucrats and party officials at all levels, always sided with the workers against the bureoucrats if a dispute between them occured and was ruthless with corruption) and especially during the Great Purges took control of the party represented by Nikita Khrushchev. In 1956, at the 20th congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) he made his famous Secret Speech, in which he falsely accused Stalin of terrible crimes and atrocities including arbitrary executions of party officials (this speech is the main origin for most antiStalin myths that are told nowadays, to see evidence that they are false read “Khrushchev Lied” by Grover Furr). This speech was used to launch destalinization, in which among other things every anticorruption and antibureoucrat policy promoted by Stalin was rolled back under the guise that they were “tyrannical measures” imposed by Stalin. He also started pushing nonsense ideas like that the west and east blocs could coexist in peace forever so might as well be friends with them.

                  This angered China and Albania who read into his bs and caused the Albanian Soviet and Sino Soviet Splits. Seeing what he was doing, principled communists loyal to Stalins principles like Molotov tried to depose him as General Secretary by voting him out, but Khrushchev in alliance with the famed WW2 hero Zhukov staged a military coup and arrested them as an “anti party group”. Later on Khrushchev also betrayed Zhukov, concentrating all power in his hands. After his bs went too far, the CPSU voted to deposed Khrushchev and Brezhnev came to power, reversing some of his bs (restoring democracy to the party, changing the foreign policy back to antiimperialism) but a big damage had already been done. This meant that overtime corruption and nepotism separated the party from the people and caused the party to not adequately represent the will of the people. This together with bad economic policies that delegated economic power to low level bureoucrats instead of planning effectively from the top with input from the workers caused stagnation and discontent, which worked perfectly for liberal populists like Gorbachev and Yeltsin to gain power and popularity and destroy the USSR. This is a simplification, the book goes much more into detail.

            • @TheBlurstOfGuys
              -32 years ago

              so support russia, no matter the cost? even at the detriment of the very class and people we are supposed to stand for? because you wont have an easy time explaining this to people affected by this conflict.

              Fucking Marvel Brain on display. You don’t sympathise with Nazis so you must support Russia. Goodies and Baddies, you’re with us or against us. I’m not the guy you originally started shit with.

              because you wont have an easy time explaining this to people affected by this conflict.

              And will you have an easy time explaining your sympathy for an ethnic cleansing fascist army to the people who’ve been mass murdered for years now? See we can both play this moronic game. The difference is that I don’t have to try to put words in your mouth.

              it really doesnt matter how well you wrap an idea, as soon as people struggle to put food on the table or you make too many mothers and fathers cry, you are done and people will turn to anyone who promises to fix things.

              Your entire analysis is “food on the table” idealistic drivel and smugly playing to the crowd for updoots.

              i understand what you are saying - russia must succeed here if leftist movement should have a hope, and america must be weakened. but to brush off this war as something to be celebrated is kinda sick. its fucking tragic.

              I didn’t say anything like that. And I didn’t say this war should be celebrated either you liar.

              you say that you support the end of the western hegemon. i dont think you will find anyone here who will disagree. but the methods are many, and the idea that this goal should be obtained by… pitting workers against workers, is rather alien to me.

              The workers are being pitted against workers by the capitalists, not me or any other socialist here. I’m sure plenty of German Nazis in WW2 had to put food on the table too, that doesn’t mean you get to “both sides” it.

              you call me an anarchist. on what basis?

              You trade solely in idealism and have zero analysis in material reality, the shoe fits. “War bad” and “soldiers are workers” is not any argument to sympathise and support the army of a fascist neo-Nazi puppet state of global hegemony.

              i will not comment on the nazi callouts you keep throwing around. but it does seem you are the kind of person that keeps the leftist movement weak by sticking your head high up the clouds rather than looking down and trying to lend a hand to a working man.

              There are quite literally Nazis involved in this war and your enlightened centrism calls for ignoring that. This is unacceptable for any socialist.

              this war should not be happening. and i will die on that hill.

              Who here said this war should be happening? Imbecile.

              • Camarada ForteA
                62 years ago

                You were banned because of this and other comments in this post for being disrespectful to others and acting like an agent provocateur. Your language has consequences, be always ready to face them.