Seriously. I don’t know if it’s because it’s the summer but these breadtube kids are popping up everywhere these last few weeks.

And they consistently have ignorant, bad takes to share. They don’t understand anything about everything but think that because they’ve watched some guy yell at his screen for a few hours they’re suddenly

They’re people who don’t want to read theory because it’s boring (I think it requires time but it’s very interesting, just needs some motivation to get started) but they will happily watch 3 hours long debates that turn into random shit halfway through.

I don’t mean to rant but I’ve just had a Destiny stan tell me “holocaust denialism on the left” for not believing the uyghur thing. Destiny despises communists and anarchists, the latter of which that person identifies as. They don’t understand what holocaust denialism even is, they don’t understand how people could come to different conclusions than them, they literally just want to feel superior because they’re pure and we’re not, somehow.

They think this will score them points with libertarians and neolibs (and maybe even fascists, as they don’t even understand fascism), by pushing under the bus the only other people who are tangentially related to them. But the libertarians don’t give a shit. They’ll line up anarchists against the wall all the same. We’re all godless commies to them, it doesn’t matter your specific brand.

When was the last time an anarchist called you a Marxist-Leninist? They just say tankie now, as if it had any useful meaning (everyone has their own definition). It’s clear that they they acquired this word through memetic usage and don’t even know what it means. In some cases, I kid you not, people will say tankie but then ask “What’s ML mean?”.

Breadtube was a mistake, cancel that whole shit and get people back in books. Or at least watching important people, not some random bloke from a big city who started a youtube channel.

^ if it’s not high-effort or serious enough for c/communism please tell me where to repost, I’m not sure where else it can fit. Maybe my own c/comradelyrants lol but it’s dead :(

  • @ImARabbit
    24 years ago

    Seems like you’re intentionally missing the point to pull a holier than thou. The question is “why do people watch breadtube instead of the grey zone” and the answer is that Vaush and Thought Slime and all them are funny. Even if you don’t personally find them entertaining, that is objectively why people watch them. If you offer something that is not attempting to be funny or entertaining to replace it, people won’t take it.

    • @TeethOrCoat
      34 years ago

      Seems like you’re intentionally missing the point to pull a holier than thou.

      Right, because the point is completely uninteresting to me. It would be the equivalent of asking why somebody likes Bill Burr and getting a “He’s funny” for an answer. I’m sure we both understand how pathetic that is as an answer. What I’ve been trying to do so far is lead us deeper into the discussion.

      Do you enjoy whatever Ben Shapiro or Tim Pool or Sargon of Akkad puts out? According to you, they must be real fucking funny. I’m sure it’s very amusing for the fascists to see Jews getting stuffed into ovens. So why don’t you? Why doesn’t the entirety of breadtube’s audience find those figures entertaining?

      I’m going to point out the way you use your use words here:

      People want to listen to or watch something entertaining

      Thought Slime is definitely funny and contapoints is funny and entertaining.

      and the answer is that Vaush and Thought Slime and all them are funny.

      that is objectively why people watch them

      In all of the above cases, you have made an assertion: That a thing can have an objective quality, that quality of course being entertaining. No, I do not say that people want to listen to or watch something entertaining. I say they want to watch things that entertain them. No, I do not say that Thought Slime is definitely funny. I say that you found him to be funny. In every case, I place the responsibility on the viewer and not on the content creator or the very content itself, because I understand things don’t hold an entertaining quality objectively, they are only deemed so subjectively. So sorry, I do not accept such an unsatisfying answer as X is funny, therefore people watch. I am instead trying to wring out a deeper reason from all this.

      So I’m really asking this question: Why do people flock to breadtube types (knowing that they themselves are responsible for what is or is not entertaining)? I put forth that everything comes down to one’s predisposition. I am not predisposed to enjoy breadtube because the spreading of imperialist narratives by the people who are supposed to be your allies disgusts me. Just as you and I are probably not predisposed to enjoying Shapiro’s content because fascist narratives disgust us.

      And thus, the true questions are revealed: What is the predisposition of breadtube’s audience? Are they in actuality, predisposed to enjoy content tinged with liberalism? What is the base that undergirds yours, mine or the fascists sense of humour?