• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • sevenapplestochapotraphouse@hexbear.netHelpful life tip
    2 days ago

    You should not rinse chicken (or meat) in the sink, it’s a) useless if you cook them properly (as in, not eat them raw), because that will kill the bacteria and b) potentially harmful because you’ll splash around the bacteria on your sink/utensils etc where they will remain dangerous since they won’t be cooked.

    idk what the original commenter meant, maybe he missed a negation and wanted to say that white people rinse their meats when they dont have to? because that makes more sense to me

  • I will not spend hours of my time researching and writing a detailed reply for someone that thinks PoW can be masked as PoS. I know the fundamentals of software engineering and blockchains, and those are enough to explain why you should take the devs word about ethereum being PoS. How the staking mechanism works is irrelevant for this discussion.

    Maybe I should’ve included the small explanation in my first reply, but given the other commenter’s attitude I doubt it would matter.

  • It’s a fundamental part of the blockchain. In PoW you have to constantly run a mining program on your computer. In PoS you designate an amount to stake (by smart contract, if I’m not mistaken) and that’s it. How would the ethereum devs (or whoever else) run PoW without telling anyone? Who would pay the electricity bills?

    People should be skeptical, but within reason. No investigation, no right to speak and all that.

  • The math involved in LLMs is not complex for anyone that has passed undergrad Calc and Linear Algebra classes. If you know derivatives, the chain rule and some matrix basics you can figure them out with enough studying.

    The hard part about LLMs is not the math but the neural net architecture innovations they brought (eg self-attention)

  • sevenapplestoComicsThe Absent Fatso
    21 days ago

    myth that any fat person could simply choose to become thin

    I agree that not every fat person can do this (lots of health reasons that can make you gain weight) but most fat people can absolutely become thinner.