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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 10th, 2022


  • It’s important to look after your own mental health. You must fortify and strengthen yourself, so that you are well equipped to organise and assist others. I’ve seen many people become burnt out and becoming demoralising. Try to remember that it’s a marathon, not a sprint. And also remember that it’s about the collective, not the individual.

    Perhaps you could delegate responsibilities to others whilst you recuperate?

    You could take a step back and focus on theory for a bit. This could involve reading, videos, audio books, podcasts

    Or you could explore things that are useful in community organising and such. Things like first aide/medicine, nutrition and cooking, exercise and fitness, councilling skills, art/graphic design /poster making

    Or things that are useful in the labour movement and political organising. Such as negotiation tactics and so on

    Or just chill out for a bit

    Hope this helps

  • Do you know much about the hepatitis c epidemic and its connection to mass antischistosomal treatment?

    Sorry to just dump this question on you, but I can only find information from a medical and public health perspective online. I’ve only searched the English language Internet.

    I’m just really curious about the politics behind this

  • DrSankaratoTrans*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    By criminalization, do you mean that of the laws would target the users of sex work, or the sex workers themselves?

    Even in highly policed countries with strong policing of sex work and drugs, you still have highly developed black markets. Obviously you are very much correct in that providing good jobs and opportunities to people , in conjunction with a strong social safety net and support, we could radically reduce the amount of people in sex work over a period of time.

  • Do they need to be cooked or processed before eating?

    Some beans, such as kidney beans ere highly toxic to eat raw. Others may just upset your stomach

    I think just grinding the raw peas into a powder may prove rather difficult, and strain your blender/grinder or just fuck up the blades

    Peas contain a lot of other components too, notably carbs and fibre. The fibre might make your shits very loose

    You could probably research on extraction procedures using normal Google, Google scholar, or Google patents. Maybe some of them will be replicable at home

    How about just stew them, or make mushy peas, or peas pudding? It’ll probably taste better

    You can get soy protein online pretty cheap. And of course pea protein

    I think the use of pea protein is becoming more common in the food industry, so you could try food manufacturing supplies, domestic or abroad, if you don’t mind buying in bulk

    I know some extraction techniques used commercially leave a lot of sodium in the final product, so this is something to consider

  • DrSankaratoGenZedongNord Stream
    1 year ago

    Just wait 10 - 20 years. Just like Iraq and such, after this amount of time the soft left will accept it and it will become a part of mainstream discourse.

    Or maybe it will vanish from people’s minds and mainstream discourse as quick as it came

  • Sorry to hear this op.

    I think the best thing you can do right now is stop smoking and starting vaping/nicotine gum. You’ll seriously thank yourself for it.

    Maybe you’re suffering from a depressive episode, have undiagnosed dyslexia or adhd, or just loosing interest in your current educational curriculum

    Sorry I don’t have any specific advice

    If you’re not going to study the curriculum, study theory. This can be YouTube, audio books, podcasts, whatever works best for you

    Studying a subject in depth can give you skills and insights into other subjects, so studying theory will never be a complete waste

    Good luck

  • DrSankaratoGenZedongEarlier today
    2 years ago

    Some are more open minded than others. Some already have their minds filled with rightist or Liberal ideology and perspective. Sometimes they may be left leaning but the ideas of anti-communism have been impregnated into their heads.