Ok so here in Québec we got a thing called Éthique et Culture Religieuse aka Ethic and religious culture and this year in my class we look a liberty and first class when talking about that the teacher talk about how here we can talk shit about Trudeau but in China you can not talk shit about the governement wich is false as you probably know . So if you want to look at what I will look at this year here you go https://sites.google.com/view/ecr-esrdl/2e-sec/1-liberté this link leads to the teacher’s site where you can see his power point for his class but sorry it is only in french . But for the non french speaker it pretty much says here we got lots of liberty and it is realy good wich is false and in China you got no liberty wich is also false. So what are your thought how we get trained at a young age to hate china and we get feed bigotery that gets called true facts . So thanks in advance and sorry for the English !

Edit: I looked more in depth and saw thing like : Liberalism = justice equality liberty , things that said a lot of communist place had not alot of religious liberty along with place that realy had not a lot and other bigoted stuff .

(China number 1)

  • Raton_en_CrissOP
    5 years ago

    I realy like your examples on children and also same thing here about the police they come to our school talk about how great it is and how good they are and then back to arresting random people for example some cops are not bad : I know a real story where a cop would just stand in the corner of the road and people would just slow down , because if they don’t they will get a fine , no one gets hurt but then his superior says : PARKER GET IN MY OFFICE ! You don’t give enough fine so what you are going to do is hide yourself and then catch the people speeding . And also here are cops hidden every where on the main roads just to catch you when your are goin 130 in a 120 zone .

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      5 years ago

      catch you when your are goin 130 in a 120 zone .

      someone turn this into freedom units pls, I only use metric for things under 5 metres.

      • Raton_en_CrissOP
        5 years ago

        lol well in freedom unit it is about going 75 miles in a 80 miles zone.