• linkhidalgogato
    1 year ago

    thats kinda a gross attitude to take to CHILDREN dying from suicide and drug abuse

    • Shrike502
      1 year ago

      If they were Israeli, I’d guess the grad would be cheering

        • Shrike502
          1 year ago

          No, not yet. I was commenting on the attitude of the poster

          • EnchantedWhetstonesOP
            1 year ago

            Well actually in israel if the data showed deaths from despair shifting to lower income young people i’d be sad too since there’s like a palestinian underclass 🙅‍♂️, but i guess tickled that rich israelis partying manage to kill themselves too. Every dark cloud has a silver lining.

            • relay
              1 year ago

              The imperialist projects will have to do the right thing when they exhaust their ability to commit crimes against humanity. What happens when America can’t make weapons anymore because the supply chain breaks down? What happens to a nation like israel when the belt and road initiative brings peace to the middle east but the silly nation of israel remains hostile to all of their neighbors? I’d prefer that Israel learn their lesson peacefully, but it would not be difficult for their neighbors to violently reform this genocidal settler state.

          • relay
            1 year ago

            I don’t take joy in all this bad shit is happening to the American people. Just you know, minorities and other countries had the vampire boot on their necks this whole time, and now white people and other more privileged groups are feeling it too. Children were protected, but now they are not.

            Capitalism has had this kind of bullshit going on around the world. The Chinese had opium foisted upon them. The African Americans had crack foisted upon them. Capitalists have been and continue to exploit minorities and people of weaker nations. Pushing capitalism on the USSR created child prostitution. There is a fucking reason that Epstein procured child sex slaves from the dessicated corpse of the USSR. Capitalism promotes suffering to profit off of.

            I see little difference between people suffering internationally and the Americans. I merely meant to observe that now even the Americans are suffering. Perhaps I’ve grown callous because of the suffering I see every day in America. I’ve lost friends to this despair. I’ve also grown callous reading about how the imperialist nations have scarred the land and the people for generations. The world understands me as a cis straight white American man, but I see myself as a human proletariat. The crimes against all human workers and those too broken to work are equally tragic, so I see nothing particularly special about the suffering of Americans. Americans used to benefit from this carnival of suffering known as capitalism, imperialism, and white supremecy, but now it eats us all. Fewer and fewer are being spared from it’s cruelty.

            All of the concessions that the capitalists have made to the socialists to make life good for Americans under capitalism are being rolled back. The cruelty of imperialism inflicted abroad is now inflicted domestically. That is the essence of fascism. For better or worse, revolution is looking more viable than reform in the USA.

            A strong silver lining is that the socialism that we build in Burgerland does not need to be perfect, just more humane than this current shitscape. That way we don’t need to worry about our own imperfections and promote inaction. This is why communism will win for humans as long as there are humans.

            TLDR: I want to make myself clear. I don’t revel in the suffering. I revel in the opportunity that the suffering creates.

            • Beat_da_Rich
              1 year ago

              Seriously. I get that we Americans have privileges from being in the imperial core, but a whole significant portion of us don’t get to exercise those privileges. We have hardly any working class autonomy in all facets of our society, countless divisions to overcome, no guarantee of housing or healthcare, and mass shootings happening every damn day in our neighborhoods and communities.

              Fuck the empire managers here and elsewhere, but the working class everywhere are victims and our suffering whether it’s in America, Ukraine, or within some other fascist state should not be glorified.

              • relay
                1 year ago

                I’m sorry that I gave you all the impression that I enjoy the suffering of any proletariat. I am relieved at the breaking of the spell that gives the impression that Americans are different than non Americans. Maybe it will assist in the destruction of the carnival of horrors that is Imperialism. Power is when people do labor towards a certain end because they have faith that that certain end is to their benefit. The power of hope for reforms holds back the power of revolution. Despair for reform creates hope for revolution.

                Yes the true tragedy is the lack of powerful Socialist institutions in the USA. As communists we have agency over what communists do, because we are communists. Thus I implore you to build in whatever way you can when you can get over crying over the tragedy of it all.

                There are many paths to build revolution and I don’t know which actions are best for you, but education, agitation, unionization, building worker co-ops, building open source tech or other methods for class war.

                Noticing what is evil is only the first step. What you do with that knowledge determines if you are revolutionary or not.