Afaict, a car drove into the crowd, people started hitting the car with their hands, and the driver fired 8 shots, killing a one and injuring another. The deceased was a regular at the protests, who came with his wife who was in a wheelchair.

(PS, this is what the crosspost button does)

    • @ImARabbitOP
      114 years ago

      I’ve seen it several times in Austin where a driver gets frustrated with a crowd of bicyclers or protesters blocking them and brandishes a gun. Never anyone shot before.

      I think this was pre-meditated to the extent that the shooter said to themselves before tonight that they’d like to shoot someone for blocking the fucking road. It’ll never come up in court.

      • loathesome dongeater
        74 years ago

        It is genuinely fucked up that in a society that claims to be civilised some people in the Twitter comments are giving his actions justification. Makes me really upset.

        • @ZXCV
          64 years ago

          society that claims to be civilized

          Americans are pigs?

          Always have been.jpg

        • @ImARabbitOP
          44 years ago

          Aww now you made me read the comments

      • @Hildegarde
        44 years ago

        this is the reddit fantasy :disappointed face: