also note that most of those subs are the ones that fuckin full-on slurp up anything anti-china, and that most of them are anarchokiddie subs.

  • darkcalling
    4 years ago

    I think this is a case for engagement in fact.

    I mean it’s nice and good to have an off-site space like this where we don’t have to self-censor but if we just sit in our bubbles we’re not going to grow and like it or not we were using reddit to grow and it is on us to offer a counter-narrative rather than retreat to our own echo chambers to grumble amongst ourselves. I definitely think venting about this is good and its something I need too but ideally you interact with reddit and try and get people interested in the truth which you cannot do on a site like this that almost no one is going to stumble on organically unlike reddit. When we were venting on reddit other people would come in, most of the time they just called us names or spouted basic propaganda but sometimes there were curious people who wanted to hear our side. And that’s how you build resistance to the propaganda and the imperialism.

    • TeethOrCoat
      4 years ago

      This is the correct take. The people who don’t fall over when the mildest propaganda breeze hits should be the last people to abandon reddit. As someone who got educated by the above poster and the other local CTH tankies and then saw the sub slowly become tankie favoured, I realized all the long wordy evidence-filled posts, the holding people’s feet to the fire mentality was working. I remembered a year ago, the place was rife with pro-HK propaganda and then a year later last month, shortly before it was banned, people were quite solidly against the HK protests.

      Imagine if fatpollo, darkcalling and others just left the sub to the radlibs. I’d probably still be anti-PRC to this day, perhaps even more now since I wouldn’t be armed with the tools they granted me to resist the current propaganda.