• DankZedong A
    121 year ago

    Congo is. The entirety of Brussels and other large parts of Belgium have been made by whatever resources the Belgians plundered/genocided out of there.

  • @Lemmy_Mouse
    121 year ago

    All of them. I know, I saw that Parenti vid on antiwork too 😂

  • SovereignState
    111 year ago

    Nigeria with oil. Still being robbed dry to this day, while compradors and imperialists let the toxic byproducts of their extraction spill into the drinking water. Nigeria still suffers from nationwide blackouts and brownouts. Nigerian capitalists and foreign scum reap huge benefits.

    From my understanding, a big part of this ploy is disallowing (through market control or violence) Nigerian companies from refining crude oil. Foreign companies extract the crude and send it to the core to be refined, then sell it back to Nigerians! It’s their fucking oil in the first place!

  • @sinovictorchan
    111 year ago

    Sierra Leona have a rich biodiversity, pleasant natural environment, and rich resource, but they need to pay colonial tax to France who supposedly ‘developed’ Sierra Leona.

  • @Binkie55
    71 year ago

    Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • @belo@lemmy.ml
    61 year ago

    From what I experienced, Guinea has a lot of fertile land and pretty natural sights. Also, rich in bauxite and minerals.