• JucheBot1988
    1 year ago

    Unfortunately, it won’t work, because libs think supply and production are things that just happen magically when you hit a computer icon.

    • @supersolid_snake
      1 year ago

      You mean to tell me there are these people called workers that make a cushy convenience filled life possible? I thought bezos just made it happen magically with a buy it now button.

    • @lxvi
      41 year ago

      the real world moves regardless of your recognition of it doing so.

      • JucheBot1988
        31 year ago

        “You may not be interested in dialectical materialism, but dialectical materialism doesn’t give a fuck” – Vladimir Lenin

  • @Coridimus
    31 year ago

    I’m seriously OOL regarding the war. What is happening?

  • @lxvi
    21 year ago

    Then you think they’ll move up to Slavyansk next. That would give then nearly all the Donbass region.

  • @Shaggy0291
    21 year ago

    Most of the media I’m seeing only view Bakhmut in terms of its value for a Russian offensive, rather than the effect it may have on the Ukrainians’ ability to mobilise their own. On the one hand I see them acknowledge the “crucial” transport links to Kramatorsk and Slavyansk, but then in the same breath claim that the city isn’t worth the blood and treasure.

    The discourse on the issue seems fishy, but I’m not a military expert so I honestly struggle to see how much of the messaging from the media is there to mislead and how much isn’t.