Sheesh. What is it with AmeriKKKa with all of these recent shootings. Land of the ‘free’ boys… The so Called ‘Land of the free’ is having a normal one.

  • DankZedong A
    1 year ago

    Be me



    Go to mall

    Narrowly avoid mass shooting

    Drop kids off at school

    Tell them to wear bullet proof vest just in case

    Go to work at my first job of the three I have in order to pay rent

    Make it home at eleven, exhausted

    Log onto Reddit

    Comment: LMAO fucking China Xinnie the Pooh

  • @KimJongGoku
    241 year ago

    These are just some of my own thoughts but honestly, I think a big part of the reason murdering idiots like this shoot up random people or schoolchildren instead of anyone who at least could have had any influence on their life being shitty is because people in general are so alienated from each other and having any form of actual say in society.

    Under capitalism people are actively conditioned to not consider that things could ever be different and meaningfully reaching out to other people and organizing together might as well not even exist. Being limited to the things that are immediate to us and life becoming about the things we choose to consume and make personal to who we are. And being reduced to that illusion is absolutely how life under capitalism is meant to be, not just an accident.

    The biggest fucking assholes will then naturally choose to alleviate their feelings of inadequacy by hurting people they have personal access to in the form of physically/mentally abusing their family or if they lack the ability to even do that, to lash out at those people they see outside, fully immersed in the delusion that since you are lonely and you have no connection to them they must be the thing that’s keeping them down and alone.

    You see the same mindset in a far less pathological context when liberals fall for every single narrative of personal responsibility when it comes to climate change etc. and why they love to think being politically active is mostly about reading the news, feeling bad about them and then watching some late night show for catharsis.

    Like, so much of life in Western countries is the equivalent of someone locked in a cell smearing feces on a wall to retain at least the tiniest amount of control over their life. And this is the reality in the places that profited the most from this stupid system.

    • KiG V2
      131 year ago

      Another major reason they go for Black churches, Walmarts, elementary schools, gay clubs, etc. is because many of them are fascists, and thus 1) cowardly and 2) are taught that these vulnerable groups are somehow responsible for their grievances. They never hit the white and rich (why not a Target instead of a Walmart? Why not a golf club, why never Ivy League schools or private charter schools?), and they never go after their target demographic in a place they would defend themselves (e.g. a poor Black neighborhood versus a church where the sanctity of safety is respected by most normal people).

      I really wish some of these people would take out their insecurities on Bilderberg, La Cerce, a CNN building, Wall Street, a think tank, the Pentagon, one of these doofus celebrity billionaires, an arms manufacturing CEO, like c’mon ya’all quit being losers be a HERO.

      • @GloriousDoubleK
        61 year ago

        Yeah. If one is suicidal and wants to go HAM in the end, maybe do something cool like pay Fox News a visit.

  • @Shrike502
    221 year ago

    The shootings are very likely a direct result of the crisis of capitalism and a disorganized working class. People understand something is wrong, that shit sucks and only gets worse if they’re not among the silver spoonfed. But the proletariat has no organisation. They’re don’t know what they’re raging against. So they lash against in the only way they have been taught to - through individual acts of absurd violence. Even if USA didn’t have widespread access to firearms, such events would still be happening - just look up school stabbings in Russia in the recent years.

    • 陈卫华是我的英雄
      151 year ago

      It’s not just that; these dudes are lumpenproletarians who get siphoned off the fascist camp because that’s an ideology that makes them feel…unemasculated. Like, why do you think these things happen at public schools and Black churches instead of VIP golf clubs or whatever? TLDR these actions are not “proletarian vengeance” in nature, it’s like a slave bludgeoning another slave after getting whipped by their master

      • @Shrike502
        81 year ago

        why do you think these things happen at public schools and Black churches instead of VIP golf clubs

        I’d imagine VIP clubs have better security, although I get your point. And you are right. But I think you misunderstood me, however.

        these actions are not “proletarian vengeance” in nature, it’s like a slave bludgeoning another slave after getting whipped by their master

        That’s exactly what I am talking about. We are dealing with a slave that’s been led to believe they’re not one, despite acknowledging it quietly to themselves. But they have no Marxist theory, they are taught that’s how things always have been and nothing better is possible. So yes, they do “bludgeon another slave” - because that’s the only form of “rebellion” they know and understand.

        Far it be for me to defend school shooters or the like, since many of them are acting out some disgusting Nazi-based ideology. I am simply suggesting we look at the issue in all of its complexity.

  • @GloriousDoubleK
    161 year ago

    …With this many mass shootings on daily; at what point is this just not some civil war?

  • 陈卫华是我的英雄
    141 year ago

    Oh my fucking god, another one? There was one like this just like 3 days ago at some LGBT nightclub and one IN MY FUCKING CITY just 2 weeks ago what the actual fuck

      • 陈卫华是我的英雄
        71 year ago

        Over 11 (let’s assume 12 because I don’t feel like mentally calculating decimals rn) there have been 600+ mass shootings, which means 50+ mass shootings per month which is about 2 mass shootings per day given that November isn’t even over yet

  • @CountryBreakfast
    131 year ago

    Colonial trauma strikes again with no end in sight. The only real way to feel safe and in control in the USA is to enact violence upon the vulnerable like grandfather did in the war.

  • @thetablesareorange
    81 year ago

    Got that nine millimeter, got that ten millimeter. Got that little deuce deuce and they all for sale.