The only thing I know about Lukashenko is whatever was in John Oliver’s piece on him; so absolutely nothing. If y’all can help me out on that I’d be grateful.

Anyway, just saw this on twitter and thought it was very sus.

  • CriticalResist8A
    2 years ago

    That’s a very interesting second paragraph. I sometimes get in discussion with friends and Belarus is seen as the “ugly duckling” of east Europe. Definitely some “how does he dare say that? He should shut up and let us tell him what to think”.

    I mean, some of his opinions are shit. It doesn’t matter. He doesn’t have power to effect change globally, and it’s their country. Belarusians should decide what happens in their country. It’s not for us to police what their politicians are saying under the guise of regime change.

    Same reason to reprimand Sviatlana (among others). She’s asking for foreign intervention to help her win in Belarus.

    • Average PFLP Enjoyer
      2 years ago

      It’s such a dirty aspect of the Liberal condition. They “cared deeply” about Libyans for about 6 months whilst it fit their agendas, they “stand with Iranians” until they get their puppet in power and they’re back to being filthy Muslims who ruin the country. The sooner we realise these people will never ever care for us, never actually “get it”, we can actually move forward. The white Western liberal does not and cannot understand just how dehumanising they can be when they treat us like pawns