Why do or don’t you support it?

    • Kaffe
      2 years ago

      Innocent people are taken off of death row all the time.

      You can’t free the dead.

        • Kaffe
          2 years ago

          Let’s roll back to your statement

          but if I was offered the two options I dont know which I would pick.

          Yes, you may ponder this when you have the choice. The death penalty isn’t a choice between life in prison and death, the state has decided to kill you.

          We can ponder the ethics and morality of the situation based on real world conditions, there are many contexts to think about, but those options are closed if the state kills someone without exploring them.

            • Kaffe
              2 years ago

              Combatants aren’t civilians, captured combatants are still combatants and can be tried in a different manner than civilians. But I mean, outside of potentially being freed by sympathizers in the future, what would be the problem with overseeing someone deemed irredeemable to their natural death?

    • HiddenLayer5@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      Most people think life in prison means life in solitary confinement, like you go in a cell once and only come out once you’re dead. Which isn’t true. You still interact with other people and form social structures in prison. You still get to exercise, read, even watch TV depending on the prison. You might not get to do whatever you want whenever you want, but you’ll get into the swing of things.

      Plenty people throughout history lived similarly without even being in prison. I’m not pretending it’s a fulfilling life, but I absolutely do not consider life in prison more cruel or unethical than death.

      I would say this: I think people who are given life in prison without parole should have the option to opt for assisted suicide at any point in their sentence. If they can’t take it anymore, give them a painless way out, should resolve the entire life in prison ethical delima.

      Finally, you do have to think, is there even a delima? This isn’t average Joe we’re talking about. If you’re a child diddling druglord serial killer, do we really care how you feel at that point?