• Anarcho-Bolshevik
    2 years ago

    are you from any of these countries and have any idea of the events?

    @muad_dibber@lemmygrad.ml probably does not need reminders (despite being North American), but here they are.

    Capitalists have plenty of motives for committing atrocities: making space for more settlers, stealing resources, enforcing homogeneity, eliminating potential competitors, discouraging rebellions; in short, preserving their class at our cost.

    If so, what kind of apology we’re talking about? hit me with specifics

    An official apology coupled with substantial reparations for the families affected by the atrocities would be a good start. The families should preferably be the ones choosing the reparations.

    Or you just wanna smear negativity about the country you don’t like?

    I appreciate somebody raising awareness about these largely forgotten atrocities.

    Has your country ever made anything that others could call genocide?


    What have you done so your officials “apologize” for that?

    There’s very little that we, as individuals, can do to get the attention of the ruling class. Informing other lower‐class people about these events is a more logical course of action.

    • graphito@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      Thank you, this message worth more than the whole tread combined.

      Even though I have my questions about mechanics of such reparations, I do appreciate the care for writing the reply out.

      Capitalists have plenty of motives for committing atrocities

      My main problem with far left as a opposition to capitalism is general lack of concrete ways to achieve claimed moral goals.

      Yes, everyone can find flaws in a working system, but can you make your system work in the first place? Everyone can say that the land will belong to the farmer, but can you really give it away and remain in power? No gulags, remember.

      Let me state here that I’ve seen real life communism with my own eyes. A loved one of mine died because a Soviet style medical committee didn’t want to contradict their alumni, so I couldn’t get an investigation started.

      The collective won over an individual, the peace in group has been sustained, my loved one slowly (over 3yrs) faded away while the committee’d been rescheduling their endless pointless meetings. This is missdocumented mass murder you probably don’t hear a lot about: on your own people for the sake of keeping “harmony”. And that’s the everyday reality where too much power has been put in one place.

        • graphito@lemmy.ml
          2 years ago

          Yeah, mate, go on vilifying me while openly promoting violation of human rights. When millions of your own people tortured, worked to death, and sent to frontlines to die in a useless cause, don’t forget to blame it on me, random stranger on the internet expressing his concerns.

          Transporting people there is expensive.

          Heard of trains, haven’t you? Also why waste space leaving trains empty on the way back from delivering raw materials, let’s put all the political opposition there.

          People rely on remnants of Soviet healthcare to survive, because they wouldn’t be able to afford overpriced privatized healthcare

          You should also remember that the people cannot do anything if stuff goes wrong. A nurse puts a bubble into Babushka’s vein, Babushka dies, the clinic protects the nurse, family receives nothing, not even investigation. Drunk therapist kills a patient? No one bats an eye. Intern mixes viles leading to life alterating injuries, it’s fine. I can go on and on how corrupt and dangerous those medical facilities in fact are but the people got no choice either way. Don’t forget who sends the Babushkas pension checks so they cannot afford any second opinion, you’d like them to have all the power, don’t you?

          And why are you not crying the inefficiency of the capitalist system, which puts profits above lives of diabetics, for example?

          I do, I do open issues and I do work with poor people to improve their quality of life. You apparently just choose to ignore those initiatives.

          If revolutionary masses had no ways of achieving their goals, you wouldn’t be seething about their supposed excesses on the internet.

          This is flawed argument, there’s no positive relation between Communists impact in achieving their goals and me being skeptical about a particular ideology. If relation exists at all, it’s negative, i.e I actually would like social aspect of communism to succeed, but I ask of Communists to illustrate outstanding quality in their work and willingness to solve problems without going full Stalin. I seek proofs of that work and I will call out the mistakes.

          You’ve at most seen socialism

          *sigh* how stale this argument is, Soviet Union has funneling it from its origin and yet it’s still here. How many years, Carl, how many millions of lives you’d like to take before you’ll see the communism you seek?

          P.S. am not British, have no affiliation to UK, I do not benefit from UK nor intend to in the future, so don’t waste your breath trying to accuse me in bootlicking. Believe it or not, I support calm listing the past injustices (thanks to @AnarchoBolshevik@lemmygrad.ml for sharing the links) so they may be payed back in the future, but this meme ain’t it, chief

            • Anatolianin
              2 years ago

              train transportation being expensive

              Not to mention that some camps could had been reached only by water paths, like rivers or seas, which by specific geographic position are frozen for the most of an year.

          • Catraism-Stalinism@lemmy.ml
            2 years ago

            sigh how stale this argument is, Soviet Union has funneling it from its origin and yet it’s still here. How many years, Carl, how many millions of lives you’d like to take before you’ll see the communism you seek?

            As many as it takes