Someone told me with a straight face that fucking Klaus Schwab (German economist of World Trade Forum) is on the same level as Kissinger in terms of crimes he did and does, fucking what?

I only read that Kissinger was his mentor on university, but besides that, WTF did he even do besides being a shitty capitalist like the rest of them to provoke such reaction and equation?

      • ButtigiegMineralMap
        6 months ago

        From skimming it looks like the 15 minute city refers to a smaller more walkable city. The 15 minutes refers to the fact that things that are like 15 min or further away by walking typically prompt people to drive more. People are upset because it appears that Tony Blair and William Hague tried introducing Digital IDs, so many are fearful that these 15 minute cities may be excuses to arrest people for breaking curfew on the cities. I can’t speak to whether that is a valid concern or not but the optics aren’t great. Interesting article btw @davel