I keep asking this as information develops and the year goes on. What do you guys think?

  • Shrike502
    2 years ago

    Thank you for sharing. That is exactly what I meant - with this kind of alienation, can you see people banding together in significant numbers for prolonged periods of time?

    • sudojonz
      2 years ago

      In regards to Americans? No I absolutely cannot. I truly wish I could say otherwise.

      More likely is that anarcho-mad-max shit where you have some christian fundamentalists, gangs, a few small neighborhood groups, and a whole bunch of individuals scrounging to survive spread throughout the country. A lot of suffering and death and blame thrown around and people willing to align with and do anything for someone who directs their fear and anger.

      Now that I type this out, a second civil war would probably be less destructive for the average citizen overall than for the country to collapse and balkanize over the next decade or two or three. But in any case the current state as it is so truly evil and destructive that I don’t know a strong enough word for it, it must be stopped. The citizenry is at best useful idiots for an empire of lies and they need reeducated at the minimum. At worst the citizenry cheers on the capitalism, exceptionalism, and endless war.

      A big part of the reason I decided to give up everything (not that I had much) to emigrate was because I realized deep in my core that it would never get better and that eventually shit would hit the fan and I wouldn’t want to be caught in the middle of it. That was in 2010, and look at everything now.