If you’re unwilling/unable to read books, the creator of Lemmy will read some to you, as will Socialism for All, often with his own commentary. Here’s a bunch of Michael Parenti’s speeches, if you don’t want to read his books.
David Harvey is a good-enough Marx explainer that Prole Wiki quotes him, though I don’t know if he is ML himself. His YouTube channel is Politics In Motion.
BadEmpanada is a bit of a mixed bag, but has some good, well-researched stuff for beginners. But sometimes he’s just an asshole. Midwestern Marx also has some good stuff for beginners, but he’s a problematic revisionist with his imperial core patriotic socialist tendencies.
The Deprogram is relatively basic stuff. They now also have a thrice-weekly news channel, First Thought, and each of them has his own channel: Second Thought, Hakim, YUGOPNIK.
I’ve never heard JohntheDuncan say anything I disagreed with, so I assume he’s ML. I just really like the guy and his work.
Geopolitical Economy Report and Michael Hudson are not ML, but they produce good stuff.
Here are some others I’m aware of, but haven’t watched enough to recommend nor vetted to be ML. I’m curious what others think of them.
For the ones not already named, Bes D. Marx is a good one. He goes really in depth.
I like Luna Oi as well, she is an ML living in an actual ML state (Vietnam)
When is she going to publish that book!? A translation of the Vietnamese school curriculum on dialectics. Been waiting a year now it seems like.
comrade i have good news for you then, it was published for a couple months now and theyre working on the next book in the series. :::)
you can get a physical copy on their website but they also put the ebook on the archive: https://archive.org/embed/intro-basic-princ-marx-lenin-part-1-final
Oh yes! Thanks mate! Been looking forward to this!
Balkan Odyssey, Second Thought + Hakim + Yugo, Our Changing Climate is pretty explicitly Marxist as well.
I like their breakdowns and making it more simple and consumable. We don’t need that format because we’re all pretty developed MLs but its important to do that for the SocDems questioning the liberal order and those who have fried attention spans
F.D. Signifier as well
Maggie Mae Fish because she’s an expert in what she does, and that is film analysis. If you understand the propaganda model, then her analysis is critical to understanding propaganda in American cinema and its subliminal propagation.
I cannot over-emphasize how important her content is.
I’m not sure if she’s an ML but she says a lot of things that an ML would say.
lil bill (billiam) is another one, though he approaches things from a religious black perspective, and talks extensively about the black experience, emancipation, and the lack thereof. Other than being very entertaining, his video essays do provide valid critique. I think that it’s something that any leftist should watch to aid in self criticism and leftist unity.
Though not a YouTuber, I recently have gotten into “a bit fruity” with Matt Bernstein. It talks about a lot of the nuances that come with being LGBTQ2+. What got me into it was their Israel/Palestine episode.
Im not sure if Matt is an ML, but he sure talks like one.
I’ll check her out, I love film analysis through an ML perspective. Makes them so much more fun and meaningful.
The things that she says scares me, and it has implications beyond being harmless entertainment. But like in a good way.
I don’t know if they’re ML, but Prolekult is pretty good.
Geopolitical Economic Report’s Benjamin Norton is consistently one of the best voices on the left regardless of any topic (that I know of, maybe he has had a bad take but I am yet to hear one so far), I also like GDFofficial (or just GDF), I haven’t seen every video yet but they seem like they put out good content pretty often.
Hakim + yugopnik + second thought they have great explanations of poltics from a Marxist view
Yugopnik organized & reviewed the menagerie recently: The Left Youtube Pipeline - The Good, The Bad, and The Hot. See the links in the description.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Gerald Horne on the action news network is the only YouTuber I consistently listen to. The man has so many takes that go so much deeper than anyone else.
I wasn’t aware of Activist News Network. I’ve run into Gerald Horne a few times and have always walked away very impressed.
Edit: Also Adolph Reed, though he doesn’t have a YouTube channel AFAIK.
ignoring his takes on China, Marxism Today is fantastic an he’s pretty hot.
I don’t like his take on the CPP-NPA-NDF either
What are his takes on China?
he thinks china is imperialist
BreakThrough News from PSL, and I believe New Economic Thinking is good.
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