The flag is now the official flag of the liberated Kharkov region

      • JucheBot1988
        2 years ago

        There is a whole theory, in Russia especially, that the Russian imperial project was qualitatively different from western imperial projects. While western empires – so goes the claim – were based on resource extraction, and kept subject countries deliberately undeveloped, the Russian empire was based on a “brotherhood of peoples” and mutual economic development. Proponents of this theory claim that economic backwardness, and social stratification, kept tsarist Russia from realizing these lofty goals; the USSR, however, was able to do what the Russian Empire could not, and as such was the ultimate fulfillment of Russia’s historical destiny. This line of thinking was actually big among the anti-Gorbachev wing of the CPSU during the 1980s.

        It’s a theory that I myself don’t really agree with – to accept it totally, you have to look at history with blinders on – but it’s worth pointing out, because it shows that not everybody who uses tsarist insignia is necessarily anti-Soviet.

          • HaSch
            2 years ago

            Where Western imperialism likes to resurrect revolutionary leaders as harmless icons after their death, Russian nationalists are doing the same to the concept of the USSR

      • QueerCommie
        2 years ago

        I’ve heard the tsar, like other leaders distanced himself from the atrocities committed by making the populace hate the lower level lords rather than the one on top.