Hello Comrades, I just felt like some light discussion.

Recently, you may have heard about the Comrades of mine who were attacked by Anarchists at a bookfair. That, combine with the current historical pattern of Communist oppression and the slow collapse of US Imperialism has got me feeling really paranoid.

I just wondered if people related. I refuse to hide, I proudly display a PCUSA and Soviet Flags in my window, I usually wear my PCUSA. I’m sort of asking for it, feeling like I’m getting stares wherever I go. If someone gets offended by it it is their problem, but part of me just wants to go stealth, but doing so would be against my principles. Part of my job is being visibly a Communist and being seen as a friendly and positive influence in my community.

But my friends getting attacked by Anarchists, well, it’s definitely enough to make you think…

I carry mace, but that wouldn’t do much against a group of attackers, or god forbid the police.

You know what they say, “just because you’re paranoid, doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you”.

  • KiG V2
    2 years ago

    I’ve been paranoid most of my life, it doubled when I got my ass beat and it doubled again when I became a communist. Though I’ve sort of let go to stay sane and not boil my brain cells.

    I am full stealth because honestly, where I am in my life, I don’t think I am doing communism any favors by being seen as a representative of it. Maybe I’m wrong idk. I definitely would like a small pistol at the very least before I think about being loud and proud about it. I would also want to put some bumper stickers on my car but I live in an apartment and don’t need people stabbing my tires or breaking my windows when I’m sleeping far away from my car out in the open.

    Ironically one of the tattoos I want to get in the future is a face tattoo of a little hammer and sickle right by the corner of my eye, so that there’s no denying what I am, it’s literally on my face (also part of a bigger scheme but I digress). But yeah definitely not at that stage of my life yet.

    • holdengreen
      2 years ago

      Comrades should live in proximity. When I’m older I’ll invite people around…