Is it allowed to post reddit links on here? because if it is would like to link the reddit post in this pic.

  • @Shrike502
    432 years ago

    Russian puppet? That’s how you can tell the poster knows fuckall about the situation over there. Fuck. All.

    • @Magos_Galactose
      322 years ago

      Russian puppet is when you didn’t want to cut economic tie with a country literally next to yours to appease countries that’s at least an entire continent away.

      The same goes for Chinese puppet.

      I’d add the mandatory “/s”, but this has been how West-worshipper almost everywhere unironically view the situation around the world. West-worshipping libs in my countries, for example, constantly complaint about our government act like a Chinese puppet for having economic deal, and viewing the totally-not-western-sponsored political parties’ campaign of literally cancelling every deal we have with China is the best thing ever.

      • @Pieroginator
        162 years ago

        Haha well said, foreign puppets are those that seemingly get influenced in national decisions for no benefit of their own.

    • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
      2 years ago

      "But, but, but Zelenskyy democratically banned the opposition, and then he wholesomely censored the press!!

      He deserves Reddit Gold!!!"

  • @lil_tank
    2 years ago

    On a purely logical level this isn’t even an argument. It could have been a Russian puppet state back then and still be a US puppet state after the coup, both ideas aren’t contradictory.

    Also on a geopolitical level, Ukraine being under influence of the common-border-similar-language-shared-history-state is way more understandable than being under influence of an ex enemy on the other side of the fucking planet

  • @xxcvzvcxx
    292 years ago

    Anti-Imperialism is when you support US-backed coups that ruin a country economically and enrich the capitalists in far away lands and create the conditions for war just for your personal financial profit.


  • Soviet Snake
    232 years ago


  • @VictimOfReligion
    172 years ago

    “2014 revolution” !?

    What’s next? “No, when Jesus told a woman that she was a worthless dog, it actually ment she was cute because doggos cute uwu”?

  • @SaddamHussein24
    2 years ago

    Typical, they ignore that between 2004 and 2010 Ukraine had a prowest government and so was not at all a “russian puppet”. And yet, corruption continued to grow and it got to such a level that in 2010 Yanukovich again won the elections after having been ousted in the 2004 color revolution. The US puppet, corrupt and neonazi Yuschenko was so bad that Yanukovich was, despite being corrupt too, preferable. But ofc these facts are inconvenient so theyll ignore them.

  • @GloriousDoubleK
    172 years ago

    Meanwhile, the government that was voted in and overthrown WANTED to do trade and work with Russia AND the west. But no. America wanted to cause a problem.

  • @Mzuark
    172 years ago

    And then what happened? What changed in 2014 that led to this state of affairs? Oh wait they admit to that.