• AgreeableLandscape☭OP
    142 years ago

    Forget finding the area of a heart shape, give first year math students luxury apartments to integrate.

    • AgreeableLandscape☭OP
      102 years ago

      (I actually did get a question asking me to integrate over a drawing of a heart on a first year calculus final, it was the hardest question by far and students were mad.)

      • @Pieroginator
        42 years ago

        While calculas is a removed (love-hate relationship) I think this isn’t really a good critique of capitalism when considering urban planning. Space is also a limited resource which any city (regardless of politics) has to consider. See the other comment I wrote in this thread, maybe I have missed a point.

  • @lil_tank
    122 years ago

    “We’re all in this together during the lockdown”

  • @nour
    62 years ago

    Sorry for being stupid, but where is the calculus? I’m only seeing a 3D drawing of an apartment. Was calculus needed to create this picture somehow?

    • @Pieroginator
      2 years ago

      I’m guessing calculas refers to integration of curves to find area for floor space which is maybe required for some guidelines to find min/Max space requirements for specific rooms.

      Soviets also calculated floor area when designing affordable housing after the war (when there was no infrastructure) so this post is fairly redundant.