yes… “Buddhists”
National Buddhism
National Buddhist Ukrainian Workers’ Party
Instead of the Eightfold Path of Buddhism they follow the 88-fold path of Banderaism. They especially love the practice of concentration!
I mean, it may be a stupid question but could it actually be a swastika in the context of Buddhism? I realize it’s less likely in Europe.
For sure. Ukraine is famous for its Buddhism. They even have a whole Buddhist battalion.
Relevant question, but the answer is “no”.
First, buddhists in Europe are purposefully avoiding swastikas for the obvious reasons, and when they use it, it tend to be some really stylized version like those.
Second - both he and the woman are dressed in XIX century peasant clothes, which they obviously dressed for the interview, so it means either they are very far into the nationalism or they are part of some folk band (and those folk bands are almost always made of nationalists too).
Oh shit yeah good point, i forgot the nazis stole that.
Bruh, you can’t be serious
Even on the off chance they are “Buddhists”, that doesn’t mean they aren’t Nazis. There’s a whole trend if alt-right/fascist “Buddhists” who claim the Buddha was a white, “aryan” man. They’re big fanboys of Julius Evola.
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the nazi swastika we all know is called hakenkreuz and is rotated a bit.
Can we not?
Nazis absolutely used the 90 degree swastika. 1 2 3 4 5 (the literal Nuremberg rally in that last pic btw.)
Are these people fascists? Are they Buddhists or Hindus or Jains? Are they using traditional folk symbols of their culture?
I think that it’s a hard sell to say that anyone in Eastern Europe in the 2020s would be unaware of the swastika carrying strong fascist connotations. Regardless of the reason why they are displaying a swastika it’s an incontrovertible fact that the Nazi Party also used 90° swastikas alongside the more common 45° ones.
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I should apologize, comrade. I have been a bit burned out on social media, especially r*ddit, because I feel like I’ve been screaming into the void over the fact that Ukraine absolutely has a serious problem with fascism. This means that I was unnecessarily harsh in my response to you.
It’s been breaking my brain trying to get people to listen to the fact that, although most countries have a fascist or circa-fascist element, there is a huge difference when there is institutionalized fascism in a state (e.g. Azov et al.) and that “not getting much traction in the elections” does not mean there is no fascist threat in Ukraine; the NSDAP didn’t perform well in elections and had to seize power via other means, including by mobilizing the state and fascists to repress and intimidate voters - exactly what was developing in Ukraine before this recent development with the Russian offensive.
I know that you didn’t mean to misrepresent the facts so I hope you’ll excuse my overreaction to a narrative that was unintentionally carrying water for denying/minimizing the fascist threat in Ukraine. Please don’t take my exasperation personally.
My apologies.
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Нихуя не понял. Но очень интересно.
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The “paradox of intolerance” just went nuclear with buddhist nazis.