• InvertedMussolini
      2 years ago

      the nazi swastika we all know is called hakenkreuz and is rotated a bit.

      Can we not?

      Nazis absolutely used the 90 degree swastika. 1 2 3 4 5 (the literal Nuremberg rally in that last pic btw.)

      Are these people fascists? Are they Buddhists or Hindus or Jains? Are they using traditional folk symbols of their culture?

      I think that it’s a hard sell to say that anyone in Eastern Europe in the 2020s would be unaware of the swastika carrying strong fascist connotations. Regardless of the reason why they are displaying a swastika it’s an incontrovertible fact that the Nazi Party also used 90° swastikas alongside the more common 45° ones.

        • InvertedMussolini
          2 years ago

          I should apologize, comrade. I have been a bit burned out on social media, especially r*ddit, because I feel like I’ve been screaming into the void over the fact that Ukraine absolutely has a serious problem with fascism. This means that I was unnecessarily harsh in my response to you.

          It’s been breaking my brain trying to get people to listen to the fact that, although most countries have a fascist or circa-fascist element, there is a huge difference when there is institutionalized fascism in a state (e.g. Azov et al.) and that “not getting much traction in the elections” does not mean there is no fascist threat in Ukraine; the NSDAP didn’t perform well in elections and had to seize power via other means, including by mobilizing the state and fascists to repress and intimidate voters - exactly what was developing in Ukraine before this recent development with the Russian offensive.

          I know that you didn’t mean to misrepresent the facts so I hope you’ll excuse my overreaction to a narrative that was unintentionally carrying water for denying/minimizing the fascist threat in Ukraine. Please don’t take my exasperation personally.

          My apologies.